The change in weather can bring about a lot of soreness for many of us. Scroll down for information about YL’s oils and supplements that can help to soothe any soreness you or loved ones may be feeling. This page will be updated at the end of the month, once we’ve had our class covering this topic in Dream Oilers Lifestyle.

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If you like to DIY, you’re going to love these recipes! If you don’t like to DIY, no worries - we’ll share some already made-for-you rollers and creams you’re going to love.

First things first. If you’re ever dealing with soreness, you’re going to want to have Peppermint and Valor on hand. Peppermint is a great oil to start with. If you’ve never used it, you can start by diluting it, but I like to use it neat. I apply it and then add other oils/rollers/creams on top of it. Sometimes I’ll even go over it again with Peppermint too. 

Valor is also known as “chiropractor” in a bottle, so it’s another great one to use when you’re sore. I like to apply it to my neck and anywhere I feel needs some extra alignment. The fact that it doubles as emotional support is definitely a bonus!

As the gatekeepers of our home we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products for ourselves and families! Say goodbye to all the stinky muscle rubs and grab a tube of Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream!

Let’s talk about conventional over the counter pain and muscle rubs for just a second. Did you know that products like ‘Icy Hot’ simply contain ingredients that make your skin tingle so you forget about the muscle pain beneath it? They don’t actually help support the muscles, tendons and tissues that are in need of help. Plus, they are filled with less than ideal ingredients like petrolatum, artificial colorants and fragrance.

Here’s a quick low-down on the real “F word” - fragrance. Fragrance is a very loosely defined term when it comes to use in personal care and household products. Fragrance and synthetic perfumes are problematic because companies aren’t required to disclose the exact ingredients in the fragrances. Even ‘natural fragrance’ is problematic. Just because something is natural, doesn’t mean we want to rub it on our skin (ie: formaldehyde - a naturally occurring compound that we don’t want on our skin!). So the ‘fragrance’ listed in those muscle rubs could be just about anything… and we don’t want to rub that all over our skin, especially when we need some relief!

Enter Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream! This is one of our absolute favorite products, especially when paired with a little Deep Relief or the CBD Joint & Muscle Balm!! Pulled or overtired muscles, tension headaches, arthritis, back aches, any ache or pain really! You only need a dab of the pain cream. Rub it in well (consider using Peppermint before and after), and rub it in well!

The Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream blends Wintergreen oil and Peppermint oil with other high quality ingredients that are amazing for your whole body. The pain-relieving benefits come about in two ways: methyl salicylate found in Wintergreen helps alleviate pain deep in the muscles and joints, and natural menthol found in Peppermint provides a lovely cooling effect. This formula doesn’t just make your skin tingle like other OTC pain creams - it actually gets to the muscles to help relieve the pain and support healing. It is also considered an over the counter product, making Young Living the only essential oil company to have OTC items!

The Deep Relief Roller is another favorite for pain, and it’s extremely convenient because it comes in a roller! Some people wonder what oil/product to use when. Check out this great article from YL that compares Deep Relief, Cool Azul Sports Gel, and PanAway, and explains when to use each.

This is a crowd favorite for sure! From the mamas chasing kids all day to the dedicated athlete to those wanting relief from arthritis or muscle pain, so many individuals are loving this muscle rub!

Topical CBD diffuses across your skin and reaches local targets, like muscles, inflammatory cells, and pain-perceiving nerves, and using essential oil infused CBD in a muscle rub can help ease the  discomfort associated with sore muscles, aches and pain.

The CBD Muscle Rub takes the hot-and-cold sensation of menthol and gives it a boost by infusing it with some powerhouse Young Living oils. Popular over the counter pain relief creams simply make your skin tingle so you forget about the pain underneath. Young Living’s CBD Muscle Rub actually penetrates into the muscles to help relieve and repair what is happening!

Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients and why they’re used.

Camphor Essential Oil:

A commonly used herbal remedy

Helps relieve aches and pain when applied to the skin

Cleansing and purifying to the body and mind

Clove Essential Oil:

Highest known ORAC value

High in eugenol

Anti-inflammatory and used in dentistry for numbing

Helichrysum Essential Oil:

Uplifting to the mind and body

Supports healthy circulation

Has powerful regenerative properties

Lemon Essential Oil:

High in limonene

Supports the immune system

Bright and uplifting aroma

Supports circulation and relaxation

Peppermint Essential Oil:

Cool, tingling sensation soothes the muscles, joints and tendons

Helps focus the mind

Supports the respiratory system

Tea Tree Essential Oil:

Cleansing and purifying

Supports healthy circulation

One of the most widely used and researched essential oils

Wintergreen Essential Oil:

Extremely high in methyl salicylate

Highly anti-inflammatory

Supportive and soothing for muscles, joints and tendons

Arnica Oil:

Helps boost circulation and speed up the healing process

Reduces inflammatory pain and swelling

Commonly used for bruises, sprains, pulls, muscle aches, and arthritis

Did you see the Soothe Roller that launched in the Holiday Catalog? This roller is great not only for breathing easy, but also for calming muscles. 

This incredible roll-on combines:

Cannabidiol: Grown by our partner farms and backed by the Seed to Seal quality commitment, YL’s cannabidiol ( C . B . D . ) contains 0.0% T . H . C .

Eucalyptus Radiata: contains eucalyptol, which provides a refreshing breathing experience with a camphoraceous aroma that refreshes any stuffy environment.

Eucalyptus Blue: Cool and invigorating, it creates a refreshing breathing experience when diffused and soothes skin when applied topically.

Eucalyptus Staigeriana: has a fresh aroma with a hint of lemon that opens and supports the airways.

Eucalyptus Globulus: contains eucalyptol, which creates a refreshing breathing experience when inhaled and creates an invigorating sensation on the skin when applied topically.

Peppermint: contains menthol, which cools and soothes fatigued muscles and supports the airways.

Copaiba: can be used to soothe tired muscles when applied topically.

AgilEase is a joint health supplement that supports healthy cartilage, flexibility and mobility, and the body’s natural response to inflammation after exercise. With a powerful blend of ingredients—including frankincense powder, UC-II undenatured collagen, and an essential oil blend of Wintergreen, Copaiba, Clove, and Northern Lights Black Spruce—AgilEase can help you protect your joint and cartilage health and gain greater mobility and flexibility through the reduction of inflammation. 


Supports healthy cartilage and joint health

Supports the body’s natural acute inflammatory response associated with exercise in healthy individuals

Helps support healthy joint flexibility and mobility

Formulated with ingredients and essential oils for healthy joint support

Helps with joint discomfort to improve quality of life

Formulated with ingredients to help support cartilage and joint function

AminoWise is a favorite supplement for recovery after workouts - think of it as a natural Gatorade! It’s a wolfberry lemonade-flavored drink mix that contains branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), antioxidants, and minerals to provide the nutrients you need to optimize your workout recovery. AminoWise enhances muscle performance, reduces fatigue, and supports muscles during and after exercise using a triple-targeted formula that features branched-chain amino acids, premium essential oils, antioxidants, and minerals.

It tastes amazing and contains all the good stuff and none of the bad. It's formulated with branch chain amino acids and contains three key blends that combine to support your muscles during and after exercise, help fight fatigue, and enhance your recovery!

Muscle Performance blend: includes branched-chain amino acids that helps build and repair muscles

Recovery blend: includes Ningxia wolfberry powder and Lemon and Lime premium essential oils that help reduce the lactic acid

Hydration blend: features electrolytes that replace vital minerals lost during exercise.

WHY we love it...

Amino acids and antioxidants help with fatigue and enhance muscle recovery during and after exercise

Aids in reducing muscle fatigue by reducing exercise-induced lactic acid

Helps support the production of nitric oxide, which can improve vascular blood flow, enhancing recovery and performance

Contains branched-chain amino acids, which have been shown to aid in preventing muscle catabolism from exercise

Supports hydration by replenishing important minerals lost during exercise

Good source of vitamin E and zinc

No preservatives, synthetic colors, or artificial flavors

No added sugar or artificial sweeteners

Why are amino acids important?

Amino acids are classified as non-essential amino acids (you produce them on your own), conditionally essential amino acids (can usually be produced by your body), and essential amino acids (EAAs, cannot be made by the body so you must get them through diet or supplementation) Of the EAAs, three are superstars -- the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs make up about 35% of your muscle tissue.

Your ability to maintain, or build lean body mass, or muscle, is based on the levels of protein synthesis and protein breakdown throughout the day. As you age, protein breakdown tends to accelerate. To slow the protein breakdown you can eat more high quality protein and supplement with EAAs.

Because your level of muscle mass plays a significant role in longevity, anything that increases protein synthesis or decreases protein breakdown can support your quality of life throughout your lifespan. Since amino acids play such an essential role in building and maintaining lean body mass, they must be a consistent part of a healthy diet!


Sulfurzyme is a unique combination of MSM (the protein-building compound found in breast milk, fresh fruits and vegetables) and Ningxia wolfberry. Together, they create a new concept in balancing the immune system and supporting almost every major function of the body. MSM has the ability to equalize water inside the cells, which is a considerable benefit for those needing joint support. - excerpt from the Essential Oil Desk Reference, Life Science

If you have skin, hair, nails, or joints... you are likely not getting enough of this compound. Weak and brittle nails, hair that doesn't grow or isn't healthy, joints that are painful, and skin issues can all be giant billboard signs telling you that you need more nutrition in this area. Skin that is ultra sensitive to the topical use of oils can be another telltale sign. This one supplement can do so much to help you benefit from everything else you are doing with your oils to increase your health.


Sulfurzyme supports overall wellness by bolstering your joints, aiding your immune system, and supporting normal metabolic function, circulation, and bone, hair, and skin health.


Helps Treat Arthritis Symptoms: As a supplement, it’s common to pair MSM with glucosamine and other joint supporting ingredients, like Chondroitin, in a single formula. Controlling inflammation, and providing sulfur are conventional methods of supporting joints and assisting those suffering from Osteoarthritis conditions. Arthritis Research UK alone references several MSM trials for osteoarthritis.

Eases Menstrual Cycle Pain: Menstrual pain is usually caused by the swelling of the fallopian tubes, the ovaries or the womb as it prepares itself to house an egg. Cramps can occur either while the lining is constructed or while it is falling away. MSM can reduce that swelling and soothe the pain caused by the inflammation.

"What makes this product different from the other products is the exceptional purity of MSM we use. This pharmaceutical grade MSM in Sulfurzyme is light years away from the low-grade material imported from Asia. Unfortunately, a great deal of the MSM sold in the U.S. originates from Asia. I believe that the key ingredient that makes Sulfurzyme so effective is the Chinese Wolfberry. With over 18 amino acids and 21 minerals, the wolfberry is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known. Few people realize that in order for us and our pets to properly metabolize the sulfur in MSM, the body requires minerals like molybdenum. When these are missing, MSM does not work as well. This is why wolfberry is so important." - D. Gary Young, founder of Young Living

Many of the things we’ve talked about in this class are reactions of what to do if you have pain. Today we’re going to talk about taking NingXia Red consistently, which can help to support your entire body. 

NingXia Red is one of Young Living's most popular wellness supplements because it DELIVERS results! It’s a nutrient-rich drink infused with antioxidant-providing superfruits {wolfberry, aronia, blueberry, cherry, pomegranate, and plum} and powerful essential oils {Orange, Yuzu, Lemon and Tangerine}. NingXia Red contains vital nutrients that may be missing or low in many modern diets and that could be the key to experiencing abundant wellness and energy.

Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine to get the benefits of this powerful, whole-body supplement. This wolfberry puree is infused with essential oils and also contains plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, so it’s packed with superfoods to support overall wellness.

Many people take their NingXiashot first thing in the morning, but you can also enjoy it in the Red Drink all day long. The Red Drink is simply 1/4 tsp sulfurzyme + 2 (or more) oz Ningxia Red + a couple drops of Lime Vitality + 16 oz water.

We need water for good circulation and overall health and wellness. If you wake up achy or foggy or get tired easily, you probably are dehydrated and aren't drinking enough water. Connective tissue gets sticky and blood gets thick, which doesn't allow mitochondria to work effectively which leads to oxidative stress. This leads to inflammation and chronic issues. Hydration helps to maintain healthy joints, circulation, muscles, etc. The Red Drink helps to keep you hydrated while also enjoying the overall health benefits of NingXia!