Now that the weather is finally warming up, we want to spend time outside… unfortunately for some of us with allergies, that’s tough! This page will walk you through some ideas and testimonies about how you can use Young Living oils and products to keep your family breathing easy all spring long.

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Below, you can find more testimonies and ideas for helping to support your respiratory system and help with allergies! You can also find this content in Dream Oilers Lifestyle HERE.

Have you ever considered adding an oil to your mask? If you choose to wear a mask, essential oils can help to support your body while it's on.A roller like Breathe Again can help to support your respiratory system. Raven is another great choice for …

Have you ever considered adding an oil to your mask? If you choose to wear a mask, essential oils can help to support your body while it's on.

A roller like Breathe Again can help to support your respiratory system. Raven is another great choice for adults, and Frankincense and Lavender not only help us to breathe but also help to keep emotions calm. They're nice and gentle for littles too.

A drop of Stress Away and/or Orange or a roll of Tranquil can also help to uplift emotions and keep a smile on your face.

Breathe deeply with this awesome blend that is incredibly supportive of the respiratory system. Open your airways and enjoy the herbaceous scents of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus! Play around with the number of drops until you find your perfect com…

Breathe deeply with this awesome blend that is incredibly supportive of the respiratory system. Open your airways and enjoy the herbaceous scents of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus! Play around with the number of drops until you find your perfect combo!

Check out this testimony from Dream Oiler, Kelly!"I'm a lifelong severe asthmatic and for the last 5 years, I've barely had asthmatic symptoms.The number one thing I did to help my body was remove ALL the harsh chemicals in my house. Anything with t…

Check out this testimony from Dream Oiler, Kelly!

"I'm a lifelong severe asthmatic and for the last 5 years, I've barely had asthmatic symptoms.

The number one thing I did to help my body was remove ALL the harsh chemicals in my house. Anything with the word "fragrance" in the ingredient list was G-O-N-E! I walked through my house and read all the ingredients. If it said "fragrance", I pitched it. I won't buy anything with that word in the list.

I keep a fast acting inhaler around, just in case, but typically, when I'm proactive about applying RC to my chest and neck, I'm good! I love not being chained to my inhaler like I was before I made the change."

One of the questions I get asked the most about this topic is what to use with kids! I want to encourage everyone to do their own research because each family and child is different. I also know that as a mom I love reading about what other moms are…

One of the questions I get asked the most about this topic is what to use with kids! I want to encourage everyone to do their own research because each family and child is different. I also know that as a mom I love reading about what other moms are doing, so I’ll share what we’ve used with our kiddos over the last almost 7 years (we got our kit when Knollyn had just turned 2 and Finn was just a couple months old)!


This oil was in the first kit we got (it’s since been switched out for Raven). It’s such a special oil for us because it really helped with Knollyn’s asthma. Before oils, he was going to the doctor at least once a month (at least it seemed that way) and wound up needing to do breathing treatments. He HATED them - like would freak out during and then be all shaky afterwards. It broke my mama heart having to hold him while this happened. Once we got our oils, I started diffusing a drop of R.C. and Thieves at the first sign of sniffles/cough. He went from needing that machine all the time to almost never needing it!!! I still diffuse this same thing (I up the drops now) whenever we get to that point!


Another powerhouse for our fam. Even though SniffleEase is a KidScents oil formulated for kids, it works awesome for adults too! Add a roller top to your bottle (or snag the premade roller), and roll over the tip of your nose and under your sinuses. When I do this, I can literally feel things start to drain (I also like to roll Purification from the bottom of my ears to the bottom of my neck when I do this to continue the drainage)! The boys get it the same way.


For our littlest loves, these are two extremely gentle oils! You can put them in the diffuser or make a roller to roll over the spine or bottoms of feet. Depending on what resource you use, you will see different dilution ratios based on age/weight/etc. When the boys were really young, I would do 1 drop EO : 20 drops carrier. Now, I double or triple the suggestion on the label for adults (for hot oils, I multiply it by 5ish), but for oils like these that are gentle, I will use neat sometimes too.


This little gem was just released at the 2020 Convention, and I’m already in love! We’ve used it a few times for the kids (and me), and man has it worked its magic. It’s made with natural, plant-based ingredients that help stop congestion, coughs, and colds in their tracks! When I put it on, I could almost immediately feel the congestion clear.


These are a hit for ¾ of our fam! Knollyn thinks they’re too spicy, but Finn thinks of them like candy lol! Matt and I love them for when we have a sore throat or cough because they are so soothing. Plus, they have Thieves in them which helps to support the immune system. We ALWAYS have a few backup bags bc they tend to go out of stock right when we (and everyone else) needs them! I highly recommend grabbing a couple bags so you have them on hand and then when you finish a bag, add one to your next order.

What are your favorite oils/products to use with your kids?

Whenever your respiratory system is needing some TLC, make sure you fire up your diffuser!! This blend of oils is great for opening and supporting the airways, and we’ve been known to stand directly over the diffuser to really breathe it in!!

Whenever your respiratory system is needing some TLC, make sure you fire up your diffuser!! This blend of oils is great for opening and supporting the airways, and we’ve been known to stand directly over the diffuser to really breathe it in!!

Check out this testimony from Dream Oiler, Tiffany!"My son was on asthma medications, a nebulizer, and inhaler. September-April were always his bad months. Lots of doctor visits, ER visits, and steroids. But since we got rid of all the chemicals and…

Check out this testimony from Dream Oiler, Tiffany!

"My son was on asthma medications, a nebulizer, and inhaler. September-April were always his bad months. Lots of doctor visits, ER visits, and steroids. But since we got rid of all the chemicals and synthetic fragrances in the house, he hasn’t had a single issue!

My husband also had chronic bronchitis and was told by a doctor he had COPD. Got rid of the chemicals and fragrances, and he’s been as healthy as can be. No breathing issues since.

We are so grateful for Young Living and learning how to live a toxic free life. This lifestyle has given us freedom from being tied down by constant health issues."

Let’s talk about more favorites for respiratory support!BREATHE AGAINIf you haven’t had the pleasure of using this roller, you need to grab it! Breathe Again Roll-On is a blend of four different types of eucalyptus essential oils (Eucalyptus Staiger…

Let’s talk about more favorites for respiratory support!


If you haven’t had the pleasure of using this roller, you need to grab it! Breathe Again Roll-On is a blend of four different types of eucalyptus essential oils (Eucalyptus Staigeriana, Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Eucalyptus Blue) as well as Peppermint, Copaiba, Myrtle, Blue Cypress, Bay Laurel, Rose hip seed oil, and fractionated coconut oil. Breathe Again is high in the naturally occurring chemical constituents eucalyptol (thanks to the four different types of eucalyptus) and menthol, beta-caryophyllene, and alpha pinene. This video has some great info:


This blend includes camphor (ravintsara), lemon, wintergreen, peppermint, and eucalyptus radiata, which fight against respiratory disease and infections such as the flu and pneumonia. Ravintsara is referred to by the people of Madagascar as “the oil that heals” and helps to clear brain fog and strengthen motivation. Lemon is a powerful detoxifier. Wintergreen leaves have been chewed to increase respiratory capacity by Native Americans when running long distances and was used by early settlers in America to help prevent tooth decay. Peppermint has been studied for effects on the liver and respiratory systems. Eucalyptus Radiata has the second highest abundance of 1,8 cineole (eucalyptol) after Eucalyptus Globulus.


YL has a few different types of Eucalyptus, so we’re going to break them down because they are really great for respiratory support! Every one of the many varieties of eucalyptus share some common characteristics. Eucalyptus has been of special interest to people since ancient times and has been used for everything from fuel to fragrances. Most species can survive over 250 years, and in the right conditions, many live up to 500 years. Eucalyptus trees can also survive wildfires! Deep inside the tree and roots, these plants have dormant shoots that germinate only under the trigger of heat by flames. Eucalyptus trees are known for high yield of oils. When the weather is warm enough in eucalyptus forests, they release their oils into the air creating a smog-like mist; and that’s how the Australian Blue Mountains got their name! All three essential oils YL carries are steam distilled from just leaves. Let’s look at each of Young Living’s three Eucalyptus oils, what blends they can be found in, and some of the characteristics that make them unique.


Eucalyptus Radiata is sourced from Australia and has a bright and pungent, citrusy scent. Eucalyptus Radiata is milder than Eucalyptus Globulus, with a sweeter and more citrus scent. Its cooling, refreshing, and energizing aroma makes it a popular choice to use.


This variety is sourced from China and has a rich, bold, and earthy scent. Eucalyptus Globulus is the strongest and most intense of the eucalyptus oils. It also has the highest amount of eucalyptol and has a very strong, sharp, and green scent to it. It is popular in personal care products, spa treatments, and DIYs for its cleansing and refreshing properties.


Eucalyptus Blue is a cross between Eucalyptus Citriodora and Eucalyptus Globulus and has a distinctly herbaceous and calming scent to it that makes it a key ingredient in Breathe Again Roll-On. This exotic single is grown at Young Living’s farm in Ecuador. Cool down after a hard workout by adding a few drops of Eucalyptus Blue to your neck. Oils are amazing for pre- and post-workout!

If you haven't put this powerhouse trio in the diffuser, what are you waiting for?! Sarah shared how helpful this trio is for her in her testimony, and so many others swear the same!How can you use this trio?Add a few drops of these to your diffuser…

If you haven't put this powerhouse trio in the diffuser, what are you waiting for?! Sarah shared how helpful this trio is for her in her testimony, and so many others swear the same!

How can you use this trio?

Add a few drops of these to your diffuser

Add a drop of each to a capsule and top off with food grade carrier oil

Add 5-10 drops each to a 10 mL roller bottle and top off with carrier oil

My first time using this trio was actually for my husband right around when we got our kit. He had visited a friend's house who had cats, which used to mean being up all night coughing from allergies. Back then I didn't have any roller bottles, so I just added a drop of each to my palm, added some carrier oil, and mixed it with my finger, then applied over his sinuses.

Apparently, that was a bad idea because his eyes started watering from the Peppermint! We added more carrier oil (always do that if an oil feels "hot" not water!!!)... let's just say this was my first lesson in dilution lol! He wound up being able to sleep without hacking all night long (win for both of us!).

Now, we typically diffuse the trio and he uses the Breathe Again roller as he needs it. You can also apply a drop of Lavender on the bridge of the nose for sniffles!

Check out this testimony from Dream Oiler, Sarah!"I have year-round allergies, which are no fun. I try and stay away from my allergen triggers. If I cannot avoid my triggers, I make sure I change my clothes and shower as soon as I can. I also take S…

Check out this testimony from Dream Oiler, Sarah!

"I have year-round allergies, which are no fun. I try and stay away from my allergen triggers. If I cannot avoid my triggers, I make sure I change my clothes and shower as soon as I can. I also take SulfurZyme powder daily, drink Ningxia daily (along with 3/4-1 gallon of water), and use Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint in my diffuser and in a roller.

Having these products makes me physically, emotionally, and mentally feel more in control of the situation. I’m not sneezing as much, my eyes have not itched/burned in a long time, and my nasal passages aren’t as swollen as before.

I’m not going to say each day is perfect and I’m living an allergy-free life, but when I feel something coming on, I know exactly what do to, take, and use!"

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WELLNESS BOXAre you wanting to support your respiratory system? Check out this Respiratory System Wellness Box for some great ideas!The ideas are broken down and come with a free usage guide (click on the link and scroll down to l…


Are you wanting to support your respiratory system? Check out this Respiratory System Wellness Box for some great ideas!

The ideas are broken down and come with a free usage guide (click on the link and scroll down to look through it and decide what you want to grab) so you can prioritize what you'd like!

Let’s finish things off with one more helpful video!