Supplements are so important in making sure your body has everything it needs to function well, but it can be a bit confusing with all of the options out there. Scroll and read to learn more about what some of Young Living’s most popular supplements are used for and if they’re the right fit for you. When you’re ready to order, simply go to and sign into your account. Make sure to check out the last photo/text to learn how to consistently use and save money on your supplements!

Nutrition is the foundation of our health and wellness. We can’t expect to escape the vicious cycle of bodily stresses and illnesses without addressing the core reasons our body’s regulation gets out of whack, right?!

Our cells need the essentials in order to function normally. We wouldn’t put dirty water in a car that needs premium fuel and expect it to take us anywhere, would we?

Many people are labeled with diagnoses that act as a mask, hiding the deficiencies our body is craving! Not to mention, the RIGHT supplementation is key, otherwise you might be wasting your time and money. The right products MATTER — it’s all about that absorption!

Why are nutrition and the right kind of diet important in health & wellness?

This is such an important thing to understand. There are many people labeled with numerous diagnoses, but often it’s actually their body’s way of responding to nutritional deficiencies or inflammation caused by toxins from their environment and diet.

Let’s talk about nutritional deficiencies —

Deficiencies of essential nutrients often occur due to eating a diet of overly processed and chemically laden foods.

These processed foods strip our cells of oxygenation and inhibit nutrient absorption. On top of that, vitamins and minerals from plant sources either in diet and/or supplements are the missing links needed to help get our nutrition (carbs, proteins, fats, etc.) into the cells to help them function properly. It’s all connected.

See, due to processing and production methods, most foods that are produced today are stripped of the vital nutrients that they once contained.

Example 1: A cow that is not grazing in free range grass and is pumped with antibiotics and hormones lacks essential vitamins such as B12 and Vitamin A… since these are found in the grass and dirt the cow should be consuming.

Example 2: Pesticides and insecticides on produce can inflame our digestive tract, hindering our body’s absorption of key nutrients.

Let’s talk about inflammation —

Inflammation can be manifested in many ways including digestive issues that lead to chronic gut diseases, skin blemishes, hormone disruption, joint pain, etc.

Here’s the thing to remember: we can always search for “quick fixes” when relying on certain medications, but if we aren’t getting to the root cause of the imbalance, we can end up staying on a vicious hamster wheel of illness. So truly, what we need to do is partner a clean diet with the right foundational supplements.

We are living in a day where shelves are full of supplements, so here are some good things to remember. Most OTC supplements are synthetically made and our bodies don’t absorb them properly because they are missing key nutrients that balance and help absorption and cell function that whole plant sources contain.

These synthetics ultimately inhibit cellular function, therefore doing more harm than good. Make sure to do your research and know your source & where the supplements are derived from. The details of the processing matter.

What we love about Young Living is they are very open about how they process and constantly provide education on their products. We know they source from whole plant based ingredients, non-GMO, organic and free from synthetic ingredients. They test every single product for pollutants, heavy metals, and the right constituents. This subject alone is an entire class, so visit the YL website and look over their Seed to Seal promise!

Before we get started talking about the specific supplements, it is very important to understand how and why these products are different from others on the market.

Young Living’s supplements are mostly oil-infused. This is beneficial as essential oils act as catalysts to help with nutrient absorption as well as assisting in the removal of cellular wastes. Because of this, they partner with the herbs and various nutrients to be dissolved and assimilated in the body within a couple of hours.

Meaning that when you take a Young Living supplement, you aren’t just peeing it out. You are actually absorbing it so the cells in your body can put it to use. This is all in addition to the fact that you receive all the amazing benefits of the essential oils themselves.

Toxins are defined as pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and processed foods — which all negatively affect health. They manipulate our normal cell structure and cause malfunction which can lead to chronic illness and cancer if we don’t help the process of repair and detox. They also decrease our immune system's response to foreign invaders.

Let’s talk free radicals —

Our body naturally produces free radicals as a normal immune response. They are designed to attack harmful cellular invaders. HOWEVER, when our body is overexposed to toxins via pollution, UV rays, stress, and things we consume in our diet like processed foods, our cells can over-produce these free radicals leading to an attack and breakdown of the cells themselves.

When food becomes oxidized, the molecular structure of the nutrients are changed. This introduces your body to more harm than good. This can happen when fats and oils are overheated, like fried foods, or when the microwave is used.

That’s why it is CRUCIAL to have a daily intake of foods and supplements that are high in antioxidants to help combat the overproduction of free radicals to help sustain cellular life. Antioxidants act as a protector to our cells and allow for cellular oxygenation and nutrient absorption.

If you don’t Ningxia, you should! All my NingXia lovers, comment below! It really is life changing, so here’s the scoop on this nutrient dense drink that’s a FANTASTIC antioxidant, mineral, and nutrient rich supplement.

⋒ It is made from wolfberry juice, blueberry, pomegranate, apricot, and raspberry juice, and Lemon, Yuzu, Orange, and Tangerine essential oils.

⋒ It contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.

⋒ The wolfberry plant contains all 9 essential amino acids needed to make a complete protein. If you didn’t know — amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are vital building blocks of white blood cells and antibodies and also vital for optimum cell-mediated immunity. The certain amino acids that it contains such as L-arginine, glutamine, and leucine are key to free radial and pathogen breakdown.

⋒ Vitamins and minerals often work in pairs and without the presence of one another, many minerals cannot be assimilated (put together) into the body. Pairing matters! The Ningxia wolfberry contains many of these vitamin-mineral pairs, meaning more absorption!

⋒ The wolfberry is also rich in zinc (5x more zinc than brussel sprouts). Zinc is key for the proper function of T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, antibody response, and thymus gland function.

⋒ It is high in fiber (one of the highest percentages of fiber of any whole food). A diet high in fiber is crucial in maintaining cardiovascular function and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

⋒ It is high in carotenoids which are known to stimulate immune function without provoking inflammation.

Basically, we take this as an overall multivitamin! It loadsss my body with more goodness than I can eat in a day and helps tremendously with processing emotions, energy, skin, and basically all the things!

You guys, the digestive system is responsible for the control of over 70% of our immune system response! That’s quite a lot, so gut health is key.

Fun facts about your gut

☞ The bowels are the source of health and vitality where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream

☞ Our gut is the command center of the immune system and the eliminator of waste products and toxins

☞ If bowels aren’t working properly, optimal health is impossible and the body becomes susceptible to harm

Well, what supports a healthy gut?? Let’s talk enzymes —

☞ Because the modern diet isn’t always adequate, our digestive tract requires supplemental enzymes to help breakdown foods to allow for better nutrient absorption.

☞ Enzymes also play a vital role in the assimilation and production of key vitamins. Did you know that “-ase” at the end of each particular enzyme stands for the “breakdown” of a particular element? These elements are things such as lipids, proteins, lactose, sugar, and carbohydrates. For example, “lactase” is the breakdown of lactose.

☞ When the digestive system is under stress or inflamed, or if a particular organ is lacking (such as a missing gallbladder), the digestive tract may fall short in producing the adequate amount of enzymes needed to process foods. This may result in gastric discomfort, malabsorption of key vitamins and minerals, and increases the risk for bad bacteria build up due to compromising the lining of the digestive tract.

Young Living has five different enzymes. Yes, you read that correctly — FIVE. So let’s break these down one at a time.


⋒ Fast acting and usually taken with meals. Because it’s fast acting, you can get immediate support!

⋒ The ideal enzyme for the typical standard American diet as it breaks down proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber

⋒ Great for high protein meals because it contains many protein digesting enzymes

⋒ Has two capsules (one fast acting and one delay release so it can focus on the lower digestive tract issues.... great for meat eaters because meat tends to sit low in the digestive tract)

⋒ Also infused with Anise, Fennel, Ginger, Rosemary, Tarragon, Lemongrass essential oils that really support our digestive system


⋒ Contains enzymes that breakdown starches, proteins, and fats

⋒ These particular enzymes are great at breaking down really tough fats that may cause our system to be overworked. This also aids the liver’s function as well!

⋒ Slower acting

⋒ Typically taken in the morning and used more as a daily support because it’s a great overall enzyme that supports the pancreas

⋒ If you struggle with more digestive issues, it may be a great idea to add additional enzyme support with taking both Essentialzyme daily and Essentialzyme-4 during meals.

Detoxzyme and Allerzyme

⋒ Both vegetarian and both contain lactase so great for those who need additional support with dairy products!

⋒ Allerzyme is formulated to help aid a digestive system that is more prone to food sensitivities. Also can be used for the relief of occasional symptoms such as fullness, pressure, bloating, gas, pain, and/or minor cramping that may occur after eating.

⋒ Detoxyme combines a myriad of powerful enzymes that complete digestion, help detoxify, and promote cleansing. This is great to pair when you’re going through a detox!

With any detox, it is IMPERATIVE to ease gastric function with enzymes. This product is also focused on support of the liver and gallbladder. It is fast acting and can be taken with meals if needing help breaking down foods.

For the Kids —

Kidscents Mightyzyme

⋒ Specifically formulated for their growing digestive systems

⋒ Contains enzymes that breakdown proteins, peptides, cellulose (sugars we are not capable of digesting), fats, and lactase

Alrighty friends, buckle up because this is good info! The digestive tract is lined with BILLIONS of bacteria called microbiome. Microbiome work together sort of like a big community along the lining of our digestive system that help maintain an environment free from the overpowering of the bad bacteria coming in to take over our immune system!

According to studies, the state of gut microbiota plays a significant role in the development of a range of gastrointestinal diseases and conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colon cancer, and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. More recently, evidence has been showing that the microbiota may also be involved in the development of obesity and diabetes!

That’s why it’s CRUCIAL to maintain and restore the gut microbiome with the help of probiotics!

Did you know that even certain types of good bacteria play a part in creating vitamins?

Toxins and even prescribed medications can destroy good bacteria that are crucial in order to keep the “bad bacteria” at bay. Also, when your sugar intake is high, bad bacteria, like yeast, flourish! So that’s where probiotics come in!

Why are probiotics essential?

“Most people, including many physicians, do not realize that 80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major focal point if you want to maintain optimal health.” - Dr. Mercola

Young Living’s Life 9

Life 9 is a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains that promotes healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system. Keep in mind that it’s better to take it at night or after a meal. You don’t want your stomach to be so acidic because you want maximum absorption and adherence to the lining wall.

Here are the 9 strands of healthy bacteria that Life 9 includes for full-spectrum gut support:

⋒ Lactobacillus acidophilus (friendly bacteria in intestines)

⋒ Bifidobacterium lactis (gives the body good bacteria)

⋒ Lactobacillus plantarum (contains all properties as other probiotics but has the rare capability of producing L-lysine which is a beneficial protein)

⋒ Lactobacillus rhamnosus (supports intestinal tract)

⋒ Lactobacillus salivarius (Wards off competing bacteria)

⋒ Streptococcus thermophilus (stimulates our cells that fight off negative junk)

⋒ Bifidobacterium breve (unique because of it’s ability to compete with other bad bacteria)

⋒ Bifidobacterium bifidum (adheres to intestinal wall and wards off bad)

⋒ Bifidobacterium longum (protects colon lining, wards off bad bacteria, has anti-inflammatory properties)

Also, if you have kiddos, grab MightyPro as an easy probiotic option for them! It tastes like a pixie stick and comes in a small packet for them to open and pour straight into their mouth! Plus it has a prebiotic.

Let’s talk about a supplement that so many of us forget about and don’t realize how important it is to take - a supplement that plays a key role in brain health. We think of brain development in babies, but we often forget about maintaining our own brain health and maintenance as adults!

Did you know that the human brain is made up largely of fat? Yes, 60% actually!

One particular group of fats, the omega-3 essential fatty acids, is the most important for the brain’s structural integrity and performance.

The 3 most important types of Omega 3 fatty acids are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), & ALA (alphalinolenic acid). ALA is found in plants, whereas DHA and EPA are found in animal foods and algae.

How often do we eat algae? Haha!!!

Essential fatty acids cannot be produced by our body, so in order to get the adequate amount we need for our brain health, they need to be supplemented through our diet.

Essential fatty acids in the modern diet are lacking in omega 3/apha-linlenic fatty acids and are poor quality sources. DHA is also not adequately present for health to flourish, that’s why it’s so important for us to add to align with our diet!

Usually in our diet, we consume greater amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids over Omega 3s (a ratio of 17:1) because it’s in foods we tend to eat more like nuts, avocados, and eggs. However, it’s important to make sure we get a great balance of both!

Here’s the scoop on Omega 3s —

☞ Vital in brain, nerve, and eye development and support. They can also affect learning ability.

☞ DHA is a major structural component of the brain. This may be the most crucial nutrient you need to take for brain health throughout your life!

☞ The human brain naturally shrinks with age, but DHA helps to preserve brain volume. People low in DHA have smaller brains that age faster than those with normal levels.

☞ Just as you need calcium for strong bones, you need DHA for a strong central nervous system.

☞ HIGHLY important for pregnant mothers to take because 50% of brain DHA is formed during the fetal stage

☞ Omega 3 fatty acids support the cardiovascular system by helping to lower triglyceride levels

☞ Found in fish/oil and micro-algae (spirulina). If you are vegan and not wanting to consume fish/animal supplements, you can consume supplements containing micro algae (Multigreens which we will discuss later) and flax seed!

☞ For brain and nerve deficiencies, the fish oil source is more effective since alpha-linolenic acid is converted by the body slowly into EPA and DHA.

☞ TIP: Decrease the consumption of processed and overheated vegetable oils because they can inhibit the formation of DHA.

Since we don’t eat fish and algae as often as we like, we can try YL’s key supplement OmegaGize! And, though you can increase fish intake, keep in mind that fish are often polluted with mercury and other toxins. Fish from clean water sources are hard to come by when shopping in a store. A person would have to consume a lot on a regular basis as well in order to get the nutrients needed on a daily basis.

So often, even many Omega 3 supplements are sourced from fish on very polluted fish farms high in mercury and toxins. The great thing about the fish oil in OmegaGize is that it is derived from some of the cleanest water on the planet! It also contains less than industry standards of mercury, which is hard to come by!

⋒ OmegaGize not only includes omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, it’s also blended with powerful CoQ10, and Vit D 3! CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance that powers energy in every cell in the body while performing as an impressive antioxidant. It helps our cells to detox harmful invaders. Every cell needs CoQ10 to function.

⋒ This product is also enhanced with Clove, Roman Chamomile, and Spearmint essential oils and mixed carotenoids (plant pigments that act as an antioxidant) for stability.

⋒ Other ingredients and facts about what’s in this product are: Vit D 3 (stimulates absorption of calcium and support to heart and blood vessel health), rice bran oil/tocotrienols (promotes normal cell function and is a powerful antioxidant in the presence of free radicals)

This is another great source of essential fatty acids such as Omega 3s! It contains much of the great ingredients found in Omegagize 3, but in liquid form.

This is a great alternative for kids to take because they don’t have to worry about swallowing a pill! You can adjust the adult serving dose for the kiddos. Because it’s a liquid, it gives you that option!

Adult Initial Dose: take 2 tablespoons (6 teaspoons) once daily for the first 7-10 days.

Adult Maintenance Dose: take 1 tablespoon (3 teaspoons) once daily or as needed.

Child Dose: take 1-2 teaspoons once daily. Not recommended for children under 4.

⋒ MindWise also comes in a sachet option so you can have them for more on the go and unlike the large bottle, you don’t have to refrigerate it!

⋒ Another great thing about MindWise is that it is derived from plants so if you’re vegan/vegetarian, this is a great option for you to take in those essential fatty acids!

⋒ Mindwise is made with a vegetarian oil made from cold-pressed sacha inchi seeds harvested from the Peruvian Amazon as well as other medium-chain triglyceride oils (from fractionated coconut oil). Plus, it uses a combination of fruit juices and extracts, turmeric, and pure essential oils to create a heart and brain function supplement with a taste you’ll love!

⋒ Fun Fact: MindWise was initially created to help with issues of the mind some people face later on in life.

In my humble opinion, you can’t find another vitamin combo supplement on the market quite like Master Formula. It’s not like OTC vitamins at the store - that’s for sure! Master Formula utilizes a (SSI) synergistic suspension isolation process with 3 distinct delivery methods: liquid vitamins infused with essential oils, powder nutrients, and a phytocaplet.

What does that mean exactly? It’s basically created in a very specific way that pairs key ingredients that work well together and separates ingredients that may not work as well with others. This plays a key factor when it comes to maximum absorption. That’s why Master Formula is separated into different pills.

Here’s some amazing features of Master Formula that you can’t find anywhere else!

⋒ Packed with essential vitamins AND minerals (helps vitamins absorb), antioxidants, and nutriments. Nutriments are ingredients that help your body to sustain itself, build new structures, and optimize health.

⋒ There are 25 key dietary elements from Master Formula, with a minimum of 100% of the daily recommended amounts of 14 different vitamins and minerals.

⋒ Whole food/plant-based source of vitamins. Bonus points for not being lab processed! Because of this, our body doesn’t have to work as hard to absorb it!

⋒ The Vit D3 in Master Formula is vegan-based which is very rare to find in supplements due to the fact that most Vit D3 supplements are animal-sourced. Because Vit D2 is most common in foods and tends to plateau in our body after awhile, Vit D3 is focused on when supplementing.

⋒ Vitamin D acts more like a hormone in the body rather than a vitamin. You don’t always want it in its potent form. Master Formula contains a unique form of Vit D3 that is ready to be absorbed (which is not always the case in other supplements). When the body is needing more calcium, it tells the brain to signal the absorption of this form of Vit D3 which allows for the digestive system to absorb more calcium while also telling your kidneys to stop excreting out excess calcium.

⋒ There are no artificial stimulants or coloring which is SO HARD to find in vitamins these days.

⋒ Master Formula also contains gut flora supporting prebiotics. This is what helps your probiotic (Life 9) work even better. Prebiotics are a form of food for the good bacteria in our gut. There aren’t many vitamin supplements out there that contain this.

⋒ Contains ingredients to help neutralize free radicals in the body and includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other food-based nutrients. This nutritional powerhouse features 55 different natural botanical sources including NingXia wolfberry.

Let’s break down each capsule, shall we??

Each capsule is specifically formulated to work and combine synergistically together. They need each other to help with absorption! You’re not going to find that with most OTC vitamins.

⋒ The liquid essential oil capsule contains: turmeric, cardamom, fennel, ginger, and clove essential oils. This is a great combo that was selected by Gary Young for their supporting properties and the way they work well together. This liquid capsule also contains your fat soluble (stored in our fat cells) vitamins: A,D,E, & K. This is also where that unique vegan form of Vitamin D3 (Vitashine) is.

⋒ The micronized nutrient capsule features an organic blend of B Vitamins (water-soluble), except for B12 which is the methylated form. Plus Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, and Molybdenum. The second contains a powdered capsule proprietary blend including Atlantic kelp, Inositol, PABA, Lycopene, Spirulina algae, and Barley.

⋒ The phytocaplet contains antioxidant ingredients and Vitamin C. It includes the proprietary blend of Spectra which is made up of fruits, vegetables, and herbal extracts including coffee arabica fruit extract, broccoli seed concentrate, onion, and apple extract. It also includes the concentrates of tomato, broccoli, acai, garlic, basil, turmeric, oregano, cinnamon, elderberry, carrot, mangosteen, black currant, blueberry, sweet cherry, blackberry, chokeberry, bilberry, acerola, camu-camu, and brussels sprout.

Some things to keep in mind when taking this:

This was formulated with maximum absorption in mind, even down to the amount of each vitamin used. For example: Some may ask, why not more calcium? This is because calcium has a maximum absorption rate and volume, therefore taking in excess amounts can be stored in our lower digestive system leading to potential constipation. Not all vitamins are needed to take in large amounts. Whatever our body doesn’t absorb or use, it will just waste.

Super B

B vitamins are essential to our brain health as well as nerve and cardiovascular function. It also plays a key role in getting the energy needed out of our foods! Here are some responsibilities of those B vitamins:

B5: Important for hemoglobin function (the cells that transport oxygen in our blood). Also important in hormone function.

B6: Is the most widely used B vitamin in the body and in most all metabolic functions.

B7: Releases energy from fats, proteins, and carbs when we take them in. Also helps our body produce glucose.

B9: Also known as folate. Folate assists in red blood cell production. Plays a key role in DNA production. This B vitamin is critical to take during pregnancy.

B12: Important role in nerve and red blood cell function.

So why do we need to supplement with Vitamin B if it’s so prevalent in foods? Here are some reasons…

A high processed diet depletes our body of B vitamins

Vitamin B is water soluble, so our body can’t store it. Because of this, we have to constantly replenish it to meet our body’s needs.

B vitamins are quickly degraded by stress, medications, and light so it’s always a good idea to take them in on a daily basis.

Here are some amazing facts about Super B that separates it from the rest!

⋒ Super B is a comprehensive vitamin complex containing all eight essential, energy- boosting B vitamins. These are broad B vitamins so you’re getting a great range (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12).

⋒ It features Orgen-FA (a brand partnership with a company with cutting edge B vitamins that differs from anything you can find at the store). This company uses a completely natural technique to extract the folate (B9) source derived from lemon peels, and methylcobalamin, a more bioavailable source of B12. This is so rare to find. Most companies use synthetic techniques to extract the source of these B vitamins.

⋒ Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, Super B not only assists in maintaining healthy energy levels, but it also supports mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function.

You can’t find this form of B vitamins in the store!! The best part… it’s super affordable!

Vitamin C is CRUCIAL for our health’s longevity and optimal functionality! We always hear it in relation to boosting our immune system, but little do we realize how very vital it is to ALL cellular function! It is a POWERFUL vitamin when it comes to cellular oxygenation and aids the cells in getting rid of potent killers!

Vitamin C is a water-soluble essential vitamin, meaning your body can’t produce it. And, because it’s water-soluble, our body does not store it, therefore adequate supplementation is needed to replenish our cell’s needs!

Here are some facts about Vit C!

☞ Because it is a powerful antioxidant, it may reduce our risk of chronic disease!

☞ Studies have shown that it can help lower blood pressure!

☞ Vitamin C has also been shown to help reduce the build up of uric acid and helps prevent gout attacks

☞ Studies have also shown that it can help reduce the risk of cancer!

What’s cool about Super C…

⋒ Super C not only contains 1,440 percent of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C per serving, but it is also fortified with rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, and minerals to balance electrolytes and enhance the effectiveness and absorption of vitamin C.

⋒ Contains Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemongrass and Lemon essential oils! The added essential oils may also increase bioflavonoid activity.

Now onto Super D...

☞ Vitamin D plays a key function in respiratory health and through innate and adaptive defense mechanisms, Vitamin D supports the body’s immune system.

☞ Vitamin D is available as vitamin D2 or D3, and as mentioned previously, D3 is needed more in supplementation due to the fact that it is more sustainable in raising our body’s vitamin D levels. This is because it’s structure is more readily binding to key mechanisms more so than D2.

☞ Vitamin D enhances absorption of calcium in the small intestine.

☞ Taking Vitamin D with calcium is a great way to ensure that our bodies can metabolize and absorb calcium.

What’s so great about Super D?

⋒ Contains 250% of the daily needed value of Vitamin D

⋒ Plant-based and vegan-friendly

⋒ The combination of Vitamin D3 and lemon balm supports mood and hormone regulation.

⋒ YL’s Vitamin D3 is naturally sourced from sustainable lichen, a plant that’s native to North America, Scandinavia, and Asia, and has been historically used in European traditional medicine.

⋒ Contains no gluten, soy, dairy, egg, fish, shellfish, or nut-containing ingredients.

So often we underestimate the power of MINERALS! When we are mineral deficient, our bodies go haywire and aren’t able to properly function. Without the presence of minerals, we can’t absorb essential vitamins and nutrients within our cells.

According to two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, PhD, “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

Mineral Essence is a very balanced, organic, ionic mineral complex with more than 60 different minerals. What’s cool is that YL sources this locally from the Great Salt Lake in Utah! Because of this, variations of minerals will happen. Whatever nature gives is what we get!

Mineral Essence also has a natural electrolyte balance, helping to prevent disease and premature aging. This blend also contains Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, and Peppermint essential oils. The essential oils enhance the bioavailability of minerals, which makes this product even better!

To demonstrate this, a group of volunteers consumed a teaspoon of liquid trace minerals without essential oils. Each volunteer experienced diarrhea within 24 hours. Following a cleansing period of several days, the same volunteers were given a double dosage of the same liquid trace minerals blended with essential oils. None experienced diarrhea. -Dr. Gary Young

Some other cool things about Mineral Essence:

⋒ Mineral Essence contains ionic minerals which are the most fully and quickly absorbed minerals available.

⋒ Contains magnesium which is critical for calming the mind

⋒ Also contains 45% of the daily value of chloride. Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the blood. It helps keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of your cells in balance.

⋒ Because Mineral Essence is a tincture, it lasts a VERY long time in the fridge so you don’t have to worry about it going bad!

Dream Oilers Tip!

If you can’t stand the taste of Mineral Essence, you can add it to your bath! Your skin also absorbs these minerals! You can also add it to empty veggie capsules as well if you’re wanting to pass on that bath. Ha!

Weren’t you always told to eat your greens???

Let’s face it, it can be hard to get in those hardy green foods that are so vital for the health of our system. What makes those green foods so rich in nutrients is due to a vital component called chlorophyll!

It’s all about that chlorophyll! Here are some fast facts about chlorophyll:

☞ Known throughout history for its healing properties.

☞ All mammals will eat grasses and plants in times of disease.

☞ All green plants contain chlorophyll. The greener the plant, the more chlorophyll!

☞ Properties of chlorophyll are: improves liver function, activates enzymes to produce vitamins E, A, and K, and counteracts all toxins. Also deactivates many carcinogens, halts tooth decay, eliminates bad breath and body odor, and stops bacterial and fungal growth.

☞ Chlorophyll is chemically similar to hemoglobin, a protein that is essential in red blood cells as it carries oxygen around a person’s body.

☞ Chlorophyll has also been studied to promote wound-healing!

☞ Studies have also shown that chlorophyll lowered the risk of colon cancer and reduced lung cancer in rats!

☞ Chlorophyll is also known to increase energy, balance hormones, help with inflammation, reduce bloating, and aid in weight loss!

Let’s talk about good ole Spirulina. We love her. This powerful micro-algae contains the highest amount of chlorophyll!

☞ Spirulina is one of the most nutrient dense food supplements out there because it contains protein, vitamin B1, B2, and B3, copper, and iron!

☞ Its main active component is called phycocyanin. This antioxidant substance also gives spirulina its unique blue-green color. Phycocyanin can fight free radicals and inhibit production of inflammatory signaling molecules, providing impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

☞ Spirulina is a popular alternative treatment for symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and there is evidence that it can be effective. In one study in 127 people with allergic rhinitis, 2 grams per day dramatically reduced symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching! We all need help with those pesky seasonal allergies right?

☞ It is also known to help combat anemia (the one with decreased red blood cells)! In a study in 40 older people with a history of anemia, spirulina supplements increased the hemoglobin content of red blood cells and improved immune function!

Need energy? Try this!

MultiGreens has become a favorite for so many! It is a VERY nutrient dense packed formula because of the supergreen chlorophyll! It is designed to boost vitality by working with the glandular, nervous, and circulatory systems.

⋒ Contains: bee pollen, barley grass, spirulina, choline bitartrate, eleuthero root (boosts energy, reduces stress and strengthens immune system), alfalfa leaf powder, pacific kelp, L-arginine (promotes circulation to capillaries, supports nutrient delivery and cellular metabolism), L-cysteine (supports liver and hair), L-tyrosine (supports dopamine and serotonin), and also Rosemary, Lemon, Lemongrass, and Melissa essential oils

⋒ Fast fact about bee pollen: It’s rich in protein and B12 and is considered one of nature’s most completely nourishing foods, containing all nutrients required by humans. It extends longevity, recovery from chronic illness, reduces cravings, and has potent defense properties from foreign invaders.

⋒ It is a natural, sustainable energy source with bioactive sea vegetables that increase vitality, nutrient-dense bee pollen, a purifying essential oil blend to increase assimilation (absorption and putting together key things), and an excellent source of choline which is critical for energy production.

⋒ Clinical experience has shown that before putting essential oils in the MultiGreens formula, there was 42% blood absorption in 24 hours. After adding the essential oils to the formula, blood absorption increased to 64% in 30 minutes and 86% percent in 1 hour! The conclusion was that the cells were now receiving nutrients that they had previously not been able to assimilate. -Dr. Gary Young.

(Aaaaand that’s why we love Young Living products!)

The dosing says to take 3 capsules 2x daily, but many people take 3 capsules once a day with plenty of results, and it suffices for them! However, if you do take the recommended dose twice a day, you will be getting 8% of your daily dose of iron!

Notes to keep in mind...

This does contain barley, but by what is understood, the grass does not contain gluten, so typically people with gluten intolerance are okay when taking this product. (A friend of mine is gluten free, and she takes this supplement and is just fine!) HOWEVER, it’s up to you!

Also, this product can turn stools green and that’s totally normal so don’t freak out if that happens. Ha!

On the topic of other supplements we love... SulfurZyme is a huge favorite!!!

Why? This is a fan favorite when it comes to supporting hair, skin, nails, bones, joints, and a great supplement when trying to help our body to get rid of toxins. It does this by providing building blocks for strong collagen and cartilage.

⋒ Sulfurzyme contains a unique combination of MSM (methylsulfonylmehtane), fresh fruits and vegetables, and Ningxia wolfberry. Together, they create a new concept in balancing the immune system and supporting almost every major function of the body.

⋒ MSM is a naturally occurring form of sulfur which is often found in dirt. MSM has the ability to equalize water pressure inside of the cells, which is a considerable benefit for those plagued with bursitis, arthritis, and tendonitis.

⋒ Sulfur helps to build amino acids and it is present in every single cell membrane.

⋒ Sulfur is the 8th most abundant macro mineral in our body so it’s key to supplement our body to help its normal mechanisms in injury prevention!

⋒ Sulfur is also a key building block of glutathione.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is a molecule that is one of the things our body uses to detox. Because most toxins are stored as fats, glutathione goes through our body, finds these toxins, sticks to them, and makes them more water soluble so we can excrete them out easier either through our urine or stool.

Take note...

Sulfur is NOT the same thing as the synthetic antibiotic known as SULFA. So those with a sulfa allergy can take this supplement.

PS... Young Living also has this supplement in a powdered formula that contains added benefits of pre-biotics and a sweet flavor from natural stevia! This formula allows you to get a lot more in each dose as well.

This supplement is a hidden GEM! AlkaLime is a specifically designed alkaline mineral powder and contains an array of high-alkaline salts and other yeast and fungus-fighting elements, such as citric acid and Lemon and Lime essential oils.

Did you know??

It has been studied and proven that most types of diseases thrive in an acidic environment. An acidic pH has been tied to inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and chronic pain. Yeast infections, fatigue, weight gain, acne, and allergies can all be signs of an imbalanced pH. Dairy, sugar, meats, and grains can affect our pH levels and cause our body to become too acidic. It is important when we increase our intake of these things, or have any of the following signs previously mentioned, work to support a healthy pH.

⋒ AlkaLime is a precisely balanced, acid-neutralizing mineral formulation that helps preserve the body’s proper pH balance, the cornerstone of health. By boosting blood alkalinity, yeast and fungus are deprived of the acidic terrain they require in which to flourish. When the blood and tissues of the body are already alkaline balanced, the effectiveness of essential oils and other nutrients is even greater.

You can also grab this supplement in super convenient packets.

In this current world of technology, it is IMPERATIVE that we support our eye health!

In a recent survey, 65% of 20,000 Americans stated that they were most afraid to lose their sight. I have to say that I feel the same!

We spend so much of our time on electronics that we often forget how detrimental they can be on our eye health (and overall health in general). The American Psychological Association even stated that those people who are constant screen checkers have increased stress levels over those who stay off of their devices.

Let’s talk blue light...

Blue light can be potent on the degradation of our eye health. Increased exposure to blue light causes eye fatigue as well as affecting the part of the brain that controls our sleep cycle. Excessive use of blue light increases our sleep disturbances, especially at night before bed. Children are also more susceptible to these effects as well.

The increased use of blue light may also lead to a gradual loss of vision. This is due to the fact that blue light travels all the way through our cornea to reach our retina, which contains a small group of cells called a macula. Blue light is the most damaging form of light because of this.

Our macula is made up of orange-colored cells called carotenoids. Among the more than 750 carotenoids identified in nature, only lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin, and their oxidative metabolites are selectively accumulated in the macula lutea region of the human retina.

So what can we do to help protect our eyes, especially our macula?

☞Turn on “night mode/vision” on your phone to get rid of the blue light at night.

☞ Limit your time spent on electronics.

☞ Wear blue light glasses when looking at devices.

☞ Take IlluminEyes!

Here’s the 411 on IlluminEyes...

⋒ IlluminEyes provides our body’s intake of macular carotenoids. The intake of these specific carotenoids is extremely low in our regular diet. That’s why it is vital to supplement with them!

⋒ Also assists the eyes in protecting themselves from blue light!

⋒ Reduces eye deterioration over time.

⋒ Has key ingredients that also support healthy skin!

⋒ Contains wolfberry, so it gives us a big dose of antioxidants as well!

⋒ The carotenoids come from marigold flowers!

⋒ Doesn’t contain any synthetic colors!

We’re all looking for ways to keep a sustainable healthy immune system right?

ESPECIALLY during these crazy times. Nothing is more imperative when it comes to maintaining the longevity of a robust immune system response than to be proactive when it comes to prevention.

Ways to increase immunity...

☞ Increasing oxygenation! When we breathe normally, our body supplies the oxygen to the core organs in order for survival. HOWEVER, it is crucial to assist the oxygenation process for deeper cellular penetration. Our body is made up of 75% water and oxygen is 90% of water’s weight. Here are some ways to increase oxygenation:

Increase daily exercise. When we exercise daily, we take in more oxygen that flows more throughout our body’s cells. Where oxygen is present, bacteria, fungi, viruses, toxins, and free radicals are destroyed. Our body becomes more alkaline and sickness cannot exist.

Avoid things that decrease oxygenation such as processed foods, environmental pollution, cigarettes, excess eating, etc.

Increase supplements and whole foods that promote oxygenation, such as foods that are high in antioxidants. Ningxia Red and MultiGreens are great supplements for this.

☞ Another way to increase immunity is to decrease and manage our stress levels. Mental overwork and worry weaken the spleen-pancreas function and can cause poor nutrient absorption.

☞ Getting a full night’s rest. Adequate sleep keeps the stress hormones at bay which plays a vital role in immune response. During waking hours, our body naturally undergoes more stress. When we sleep, it signals our body to decrease stress hormones to be at a more rested state. Our circadian rhythm plays a huge part in the production of our fighter cells within our immune system as well. Prolonged sleep curtailment and the accompanying stress response create a persistent production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, described as chronic low-grade inflammation, and also produce a decreased immune response and deficiency. These both have detrimental effects on health.

We all become pretty in tune when it comes to needing additional support to keep the harmful invaders at bay. These two supplements assist the body when it comes to promoting an environment that increases defense mechanisms in an attack.

Inner Defense

Inner Defense reinforces systemic defenses, creates unfriendly terrain for yeast and fungus, promotes healthy respiratory function, and contains potent essential oils such as Oregano, Thyme, and Thieves, which are rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol for immune support. The liquid softgels dissolve quickly for maximum results. The softgel capsules are formulated with fish gelatin to remove the need for carrageenan and beeswax (a strong gelatin based capsule is needed to hold all the potent essential oils without degrading the coating).

⋒ These capsules contain prediluted oils, but because these oils are known for their potency, it is highly recommended to take with meals.

⋒ This supplement is not usually taken daily, rather only when you’re needing a boost in defense…. hence, the name HA! This can be taken as needed 3-5x daily.

⋒ Be sure to take your Life 9 at night (separate from this supplement) to help support and repair your gut bacteria because as stated before, these oils are potent in creating an unfriendly environment from foreign invaders.

This supplement is a must have to keep in your immune defense stash at home! How many of you have tried Inner Defense??


If you’re looking for a plant based alternative (because it doesn’t contain the fish gelatin capsule), then Immupro is where it’s at! Immupro contains herbs and a blend of mushrooms to help support immune system response! Don’t worry, you can’t taste the mushrooms because of the added fruits! Which is why it’s packed with antioxidant support as well! It contains a wolfberry, strawberry, and raspberry blend.

⋒ It also has minerals such as selenium which is a vital mineral when it comes to a healthy immune system. It contains 100% of the daily dose! Copper and zinc are also within this chewable, which play a role in aiding the function of enzymes within our system.

⋒ This powerful little chewable helps support a healthy immune system response as well as a healthy night’s sleep! This is because it contains melatonin, so be sure to take it at night because of the potential increase in drowsiness.

*NOTE* Use caution when using melatonin frequently with children because too much exogenous (outside of the body) melatonin can inhibit the endogenous (inside the body) natural production of melatonin. Giving it here and there is perfectly fine when needed. Especially when they’re needing an increased immune boost as well!

PS. If you’re a person who doesn’t end up liking the taste of the chewable (even though many do), you can always swallow it! Both ways still end up getting absorbed within our stomach.

A great start is basing it on your daily diet. Create a food diary and identify the nutritional value of foods you consume, keeping in mind that processed foods will lack many essential vitamins and minerals. Creating a diary and noting how we feel in correlation to what we eat will help bring awareness to where we may be lacking. Did we eat enough greens? Did we consume too much sugar?

☞ If you know you don’t consume that many veggies, you probably lack key nutrients such as chlorophyll.

☞ Factors like age, gender, fitness level, and geographic location can mean that a person needs more or less of a given nutrient. For instance, pregnancy focuses on an increase of things like DHA and B9, and women over 50 can focus on ways to increase nutrients to support bone and joint health. Living in an area with higher pollution can also prompt one to increase supplemental intake of antioxidants and natural ways to detox.

☞ A consult with a dietitian and/or nutritionist will also be very helpful because they can sit down with you to break down things you may be lacking in your diet. Once you get a general idea of where you can start, you can incorporate Young Living products in addition to your daily intake.

Whenever incorporating new supplementation within your daily intake, it is CRUCIAL for you to remember to be patient and consistent. Things won’t heal and repair overnight. Just like any workout routine won’t start reflecting results til after a month, supplementation is similar. It’s because our body takes time to reach a certain level of homeostasis (normal balance).

Many people will stop taking new supplements after a week or two because they often claim they “don’t feel any different”. Oftentimes, depending on how toxic the diet was previously, a “detox” phase in the first week is also common. As your body tries to get rid of harmful toxins, symptoms such as fatigue, change of bowel habits, and headaches may occur.

Increasing water intake is a must during this phase to help ease the excretion process. Drink AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces is needed, if not more during this stage! Increasing enzymes and probiotics to any change in diet is also crucial.

It is so important to give our body time to adjust and rejuvenate. Daily consistency is also key. We can’t expect to take something for two days, stop for 4, then start back up again. Doing this will throw off our body’s rhythm to repair.

Here are some ways to increase consistency!

☞ Keep supplements where you can see them. If they remain hidden, we can often forget that they’re even there. You use what’s in front of your face. Getting cute storage containers, counter shelves, or baskets will help to keep supplements in plain sight. A travel pill case is also helpful.

☞ Set a reminder on your phone or use a special app. You could try the Medisafe app to give reminders and track supplements and meds you and our family take.

☞ Order through Young Living’s Loyalty Rewards program! Previously called Essential Rewards, Loyalty Rewards is a monthly autoship program that can also assist you in planning a month ahead of time before each order. Planning out your orders will keep your supplement stash stocked and ready to go to take consistently. Loyalty Rewards allows you to earn points back after each order for FREE product, get discounted shipping, and be eligible for all of Young Living’s monthly Gifts With Purchase! This program is a must when ordering daily supplements to keep you consistent.

I hope you found this helpful! None of the information above is medical advice; rather, it is information to help you learn about different supplements and what could possibly be a good fit for you. If you have questions, please email me at or DM me on instagram at @dreamoilers. I’d be happy to talk through things with you! If you would like to order, click the link below and add whatever you’d like to your cart. After you check out, reach out and let me know so that I can send you your welcome gift and get you set up with all of our resources! So excited to walk alongside you on your wellness journey.