I hope August was a great month for you! September has a ton of fantastic things in store for us including FREE SHIPPING for ALL of our 100+ PV orders!!! Free shipping makes it easier than ever to grab all of our wellness favorites and have them delivered to our homes!
We hope you know that we are so grateful that you are a part of our positive, supportive community. If you have any questions about any of the information shared below, please reach out to the person who helped you become a Young Living Member and/or text me (Amber) at 224.518.1313 (include your name)! If you just need someone to talk to, I’m a text away.
If you’re a Dream Oilers member and are not yet in our Facebook Groups, we would love for you to join us! Our groups are filled with amazing information and tons of fun… we love our community. Click the links below to join and answer the 3 questions so that we can get you approved! If you have any questions, please reach out.
Click HERE to join Dream Oilers Beginnings | This group is open to anyone who isn’t yet a member and would like to learn more; invite your friends to join the group!
Click HERE to join Dream Oilers Lifestyle | Must be a Dream Oilers member to join
This is the last month to earn points for Young Living’s Dream 500 contest. By helping others to grab their starter kit, get freebies on ER, and earn some extra cash, you can win some pretty awesome prizes like: oils, NingXia and Thieves packages, and trips including a grand prize trip to BORA BORA!!! We have more details and strategy in Dream Oilers Lifestyle if you’d like to learn more; you can also find more info including the scoreboard under Member News in your YL account.
We love being able to connect with everyone, and Zoom calls have been a great way to do that! We would LOVE for you to join us on one or more of our Zoom calls this month! You can see information for all of our Dream Oilers Zoom Calls on the calendar below. All Dream Oilers are welcome to join! You can also invite friends/family who aren’t yet YL members and are interested in learning more.
We planned this month’s Zoom Calls and Facebook Classes based on the poll in Dream Oilers Lifestyle.
To join a Zoom Call, simply download the FREE Zoom app and click THIS LINK at the stated time to join in on the learning and fun! The password for calls is dreamoiler (all lower case, one word). Please do not share this info publicly.
Every month, Young Living has promotions for freebies based on your order PV.
Click HERE to see the post in Dream Oilers Lifestyle with more details.
This month, our ideas are all about filling our homes with all natural fall scents that not only smell amazing but also support our overall wellness!
Make sure to grab next month's Dream Oilers Oils of the Month so you can start using them on October 1 (or before)! Not only do they smell amazing, they also have really amazing benefits for our bodies. OCOTEA is a must have for every home heading into fall and back to school/work. It smells like a light cinnamon, is good for the heart, and it's scent may increase feelings of fullness. ORANGE is one of those oils that combines well with pretty much any oil and helps to relieve tough emotions. It’s rich in limonene, which has been studied for its amazing effects (google it). Using these oils throughout the month of September is going to help us all function as our best selves. We’ll share more ideas for using them in September.
In addition to Ocotea and Orange, we’ve added some of our absolute must haves for the best fall diffuser combos that will keep everyone feeling super cozy.
One of the main ingredients in Thieves, not only is this amazing for our immune systems, it also smells absolutely yummy! Clove has been used for centuries in natural medicine, and eugenol (Clove’s principal constituent) was used in the dental industry for years to numb gums.
Do you love the smell of fresh baked pie? Then you’re going to love Nutmeg! It’s also a great adrenal supporting oil and can help with feelings of fatigue/exhaustion.
We’re bringing in some brightness to these fall scents with Bergamot. It smells great and calms even the craziest of kids, which is why some moms love to diffuse it in their bedtime blends. Plus, it can help with oily skin!
Palmarosa is actually a relative of the lemongrass family and is extremely supportive of the skin. Diffusing it also creates a feeling of security and helps to reduce stress and tension.
Cardamom smells amazing with multiple fall diffuser combos, and it’s great for respiratory support; it was called “Grains of Paradise” since the Middle Ages, and was one of the most prized spices in ancient times.
Cinnamon Bark is another of the oils in the Thieves blend that is great for our immune systems. It is a hot oil, so be sure to dilute when using topically. When you diffuse it, you only need a drop or two as it’s so strong!
Like Orange, Tangerine has high levels of limonene, making it a great support for the immune system and a bright, happy oil.
This tree has been prized through the ages for its medicinal effects for respiratory conditions and pain. It also brings a woodsy scent to some of our favorite fall diffuser combos.
In the past, French hospital wards burned juniper and rosemary to protect from infection. Additionally, it has positive impacts on the kidneys and excreting toxins.
My absolute favorite essential oil, and the only one with vanilla in it! You’re going to want a couple bottles of this to make the coziest, most delicious smelling diffuser combos this fall!
Cedarwood is probably most widely used for sleep, focus, and/or hair growth. The ancient Egyptians used it for embalming, and in Tibet it was used as both a traditional medicine and incense. It stimulates the pineal gland, which releases melatonin.
Have you ever had a ginger ale when you have an upset stomach? That’s because ginger was traditionally used to combat nausea. While most people know it for that, it’s also great for soothing aches and pains.
Thieves because you can never have too much of this wellness warrior! Plus it is amazing in so many fall diffuser combos!
Citrus Fresh to keep your house smelling so fresh and so clean!
Lemon to add some bright sunshine to your fall days.
For the rest of the year, we're going to be announcing our Oils of the Month a month BEFORE we're going to be using them so that everyone can get them added to their ER order and have them ready to go on the first of the month!
Our oils of the month for OCTOBER will be OCOTEA and ORANGE. Make sure to grab them on this month’s ER order (or use ER points to get them) if you don’t have them yet so you can start using them on October 1 (or before)! OCOTEA is one of the main ingredients in the Slique weight management system because it can help to promote feelings of fullness. It has a light cinnamon scent that is perfect in so many fall diffuser combos as well! ORANGE is the first oil I ever tried, so it’s a special one for me! It brings a bright, uplifting atmosphere to any room, and it’s also great for the libido! Using these oils throughout the month of October is going to help us all function as our best selves. We’ll share more ideas for using them in October.
Who’s ready to keep our immune systems strong and our brains on track using THIEVES and VETIVER this month?!
This is one of YL’s most popular essential oils for a reason - it keeps us healthy and smells like the holidays! Thieves was created from research based on legends about a group of 15th century thieves who rubbed botanicals on themselves to avoid contracting the plague when robbing bodies. You can even find research that shows that after 10 minutes of Thieves diffuseion in the air, there was a reduction in different organisms present. This is one we are never without.
Vetiver is psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilizing. It helps us to cope with stress & recover from traumatic emotions. I was also very interested in what I learned from Terry Friedmann’s research with Vetiver for focus! In addition, it has traditionally been used for arthritic symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Check out ways to use these oils throughout the month in Dream Oilers Lifestyle!
In addition to all of the goodness we’ve already shared, when you place an Essential Rewards order this month, you'll get an email with some adorable DREAM OILERS LOYALTY LABELS sent to your email address on file with YL to make some super cute DIYs! Directions and links to purchase materials (if you need them) will be included in the email. Make sure you’ve opted in to communication in your Virtual Office and look for an email with your labels at the beginning of next month!
If you opt out of communication in your Virtual Office, you will not receive your Loyalty Labels.
The only thing better than being on this oil journey yourself is having your friends and family join you!
YL knows that word of mouth is the best way to advertise, so rather than paying crazy amounts in advertising costs, they pay us... loyal users… who help our friends and family grab their own oils using our referral links!
This month, in addition to sending us a $50+ thank you check for each person who grabs their PSK from us AND earning points towards Dream 500 and a Bora Bora trip, they’re throwing in some awesome extras as an added bonus!
It’s super simple to score Tea Tree, Manuka, and Citrus Fresh by helping 2! And, when you help 4, you’ll get Mineral Essence and PanAway too!
All Level Up Promotion Details Can Be Found HERE.
If you’ve been considering earning an income with Young living, there’s no better time than now! Young Living is launching an upgrade to the Compensation Plan April 1 with Silver Bound and Bridge to Gold! In addition to getting a $50+ thank you check for each person you help get a Premium Starter Kit and Unilevel compensation, now you can qualify for additional bonuses with the new Silver Bound incentive AND have the opportunity to win an AROMA COMPLETE with Bridge to Gold!
You can find more information and training HERE
Check out the details below and in your Young Living Virtual Office at youngliving.com/silverbound .