Can you believe we’re officially halfway through 2020?! There is so much happening in the world right now, and we want you to know that we are here for you. Our community in Dream Oilers Lifestyle is a place where we strive to make everyone to feel loved, seen, and appreciated. We are so grateful to you for being a part of our positive, supportive community. If you have any questions about any of the information shared below, please reach out to the person who helped you become a Young Living Member and/or text me (Amber) at 224.518.1313 (include your name)! If you just need someone to talk to, I’m a text away.

If you’re a Dream Oilers member and are not yet in our Facebook Groups, we would love for you to join us! Our groups are filled with amazing information and tons of fun… we love our community. Click the links below to join and answer the 3 questions so that we can get you approved! If you have any questions, please reach out to the person who helped you become a Young Living Member and/or text the number above!

Click HERE to join Dream Oilers Beginnings | This group is open to anyone who isn’t yet a member and would like to learn more; invite your friends to join the group!

Click HERE to join Dream Oilers Lifestyle | Must be a Dream Oilers member to join

This month is the kickoff of Young Living’s Dream 500. Prizes include oils, NingXia and Thieves packages, and trips including a grand prize trip to BORA BORA!!! We have more details and strategy in Dream Oilers Lifestyle if you’d like to learn more and you can find more info including the scoreboard under Member News in your YL account.


We love being able to connect with everyone, and Zoom calls have been a great way to do that! We would LOVE for you to join us on one or more of our Zoom calls this month! You can see information for all of our Dream Oilers Zoom Calls on the calendar below. All Dream Oilers are welcome to join! You can also invite friends/family who aren’t yet YL members and are interested in learning more.

With Dream 500 happening for the next three months, our BORA BORA Power Hours are going to be focused on that! We also have a 90 Days of IPAs Challenge happening from July - September in our Dream Oilers Business FB Group.

To join a Zoom Call, simply download the FREE Zoom app and click THIS LINK at the stated time to join in on the learning and fun! The password for calls is dreamoiler (all lower case, one word). Please do not share this info publicly.


Every month, Young Living has promotions for freebies based on your order PV.
Click HERE to see the post in Dream Oilers Lifestyle with more details.

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If you’re wanting to grab Convention releases on your ER (that’s what we focused on because they’re so good!), we totally suggest processing your order ASAP because there are hundreds of thousands of other oilers thinking the same thing!


Make sure to grab next month's Dream Oilers Oils of the Month so you can start using them on August 1 (or before)! Read more about them in the Oils of the Month below.


You guys. I just got this in the mail, and it smells so dang good!!! It’s like the other stuff you rub on your chest when you’ve got a cough, but it’s NATURAL! Colds, coughs, congestion, stuffiness, and chest aches have nothing on this chest rub, friends! I grabbed 4 to make sure we have it when we need it!


So excited for a Vitamin D supplement! Vitamin D  plays a key function in respiratory health, helps boost healthy immune systems, supports mood, hormone regulation, bone growth, healthy muscles, and calcium balance. Since it’s derived from sustainable grown lichen, it’s highly absorbable. It also includes Lime peel oil and Melissa plant oil, and contains no gluten, soy, dairy, egg, fish, shellfish, or nut-containing ingredients. I highly recommend googling the benefits of Super Vitamin D and then grabbing yourself one or more!


This new supplement is going to make lots of parents so happy! It helps with sleeplessness, restlessness, and irritability, and improves focus and mental clarity at home, in the classroom, and at work. Even though it’s made for kids 4+, adults can find benefits from it too. It includes L-theanine, 5-HTP, and Magnesium, which have all sorts of calming benefits.


Everyone needs this in their essential oil lineup, so grab it before it’s gone! If you like Cinnamon Bark, you’re going to love Cassia! It’s like a “light” cinnamon, and it’s usually only available in the Oils of Ancient Scripture collection! It smells AH-MAZING with Stress Away or anything else you like Cinnamon Bark with.


Gary’s Light was formulated to enlighten our minds to a greater awareness of truth and discernment, certainly at a time when the world could use a ray of inspiring light. It has an herb-y, earthy scent, and includes some amazing oils like Frankincense and Myrrh as part of the blend. 


This is a must have for dry skin. I’ve also found it to be super soothing after too much fun in the sun! The boys use it as a high hydration lip balm from time to time too! ROSE improves skin texture while Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) works to soothe rough, irritated skin. You’re going to love it.


This is one of my favorite smelling oils, and the fact that it makes everyone smile is just a perk! It’s also part of the weight loss trio (grapefruit, lemon, and peppermint), which I need to start taking again! I also love that I can grab the citrus oils in either a 5 mL or a 15 mL (same exact oils even though different labels) to get my pv right where I need it for the promos! 


Speaking of weight loss, Slique Essence is AH-MAZING! There’s an entire line of Slique products, and I love Slique Essence for giving my water some flavor instead of reaching for something sugar-y!


This is the perfect oil for motion sickness, elevation sickness, or even just a rumbly tummy! If you’re not a fan of DiGize but need some digestive support, I really think you’ll love AromaEase!


CBD Muscle Balm is amazing for soothing sore muscles and joints! You can get it in two different strengths - if you haven’t tried it before, start with the lower strength and see how it works for you! I love putting a drop of Peppermint on neat and then layering the Muscle Balm on top!


For the rest of the year, we're going to be announcing our Oils of the Month a month BEFORE we're going to be using them so that everyone can get them added to their ER order and have them ready to go on the first of the month!

Our oils of the month for AUGUST will be STRESS AWAY and ONE HEART. Make sure to grab them on this month’s ER order (or use ER points to get them) so you can start using them on July 1 (or before)! STRESS AWAY is my absolute favorite essential oil, and with the state of the world, I feel like it’s one we can all use, especially as we approach back to school in August. ONE HEART is a new favorite that Knollyn and I are both loving! It’s formulated to bring people together and help create awareness of The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation, and can encourage a bright outlook on life and the awareness that we are all in this together. Using these oils throughout the month of August is going to be so powerful! We’ll share more ideas for using them in August.


Who’s ready to RELEASE some tough emotions and AWAKEN our untapped potential with this month’s oils of the month?!


Release is a helpful blend to release anger and memory trauma from the liver in order to create emotional well-being. It helps open the subconscious mind through pineal stimulation to release deep-seated trauma. It is one of the most powerful of the emotionally supporting essential oil blends.


Awaken includes five specific blends of oils to awaken and enhance inner self-awareness that strengthens the desire to reach one’s highest potential. It stimulates right brain creativity, amplifying the function of the pineal and pituitary glands in balancing the energy centers of the body and helps us identify our truest desires and how best to pursue them (hello Bora Bora!).


Check out ways to use these oils throughout the month in Dream Oilers Lifestyle!


In addition to all of the goodness we’ve already shared, when you place an Essential Rewards order this month, you'll get an email with some adorable DREAM OILERS LOYALTY LABELS sent to your email address on file with YL to make some super cute DIYs! Directions and links to purchase materials (if you need them) will be included in the email. Make sure you’ve opted in to communication in your Virtual Office and look for an email with your labels at the beginning of next month!

If you opt out of communication in your Virtual Office, you will not receive your Loyalty Labels.


The only thing better than being on this oil journey yourself is having your friends and family join you!

YL knows that word of mouth is the best way to advertise, so rather than paying crazy amounts in advertising costs, they pay us... loyal users… who help our friends and family grab their own oils using our referral links!

This month, in addition to sending us a $50+ thank you check for each person who grabs their PSK from us AND earning points towards Dream 500 and a Bora Bora trip, they’re throwing in some awesome extras as an added bonus!

It’s super simple to score Peppermint, Peace & Calming, and Rosemary by helping 2! And, when you help 4, you’ll get 3 cute rollers and V6 carrier oil!

All Level Up Promotion Details Can Be Found HERE.

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If you’ve been considering earning an income with Young living, there’s no better time than now! Young Living is launching an upgrade to the Compensation Plan April 1 with Silver Bound and Bridge to Gold! In addition to getting a $50+ thank you check for each person you help get a Premium Starter Kit and Unilevel compensation, now you can qualify for additional bonuses with the new Silver Bound incentive AND have the opportunity to win an AROMA COMPLETE with Bridge to Gold!

You can find more information and training HERE

Check out the details below and in your Young Living Virtual Office at youngliving.com/silverbound .