Can you believe we’re already a month into 2020? We hope you’re on the path to achieving your goals and are excited for what this month has to offer our Dream Oilers fam! We’re so grateful that you’re a part of everything to come!

If you have any questions about any of the information shared below, please reach out to the person who helped you become a Young Living Member and/or text me (Amber) at 224.518.1313 (include your name)!

If you’re a Dream Oilers member and are not yet in our Facebook Groups, we would love for you to join us! Our groups are filled with amazing information and tons of fun… we love our community. Click the links below to join and answer the 3 questions so that we can get you approved! If you have any questions, please each out to the person who helped you become a Young Living Member and/or text the number above!

Click HERE to join Dream Oilers Beginnings | This group is open to anyone who isn’t yet a member and would like to learn more; invite your friends to join the group!

Click HERE to join Dream Oilers Collective | Must be a Dream Oilers member to join

All Dream Oilers Gatherings and Zooms (conference calls) for January are listed in the calendar below! “Collective” Gatherings are product + community focused. “Tribe” Gatherings & Zooms are business + community focused. We also have two monthly classes in Dream Oilers Beginnings this month - invite any friends who want to learn more to join the group (link above). If you’d like to attend a gathering, RSVP in Dream Oilers Collective OR text the number above to RSVP and get the address! To attend a Zoom Call, simply download the FREE Zoom app and click THIS LINK at the stated time to join in on the learning and fun!


Every month, Young Living has promotions for freebies based on your order PV.
Click HERE to see the post in Dream Oilers Collective with more details.

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For the rest of the year, we're going to be announcing our Oils of the Month a month BEFORE we're going to be using them so that everyone can get them added to their ER order and have them ready to go on the first of the month! To "catch up" we're going to keep Abundance and Believe for our February Oils of the Month!

Our oils of the month for March are going to be TRANSFORMATION & ENVISION. The theme of YL’s New Year Kickoff was Transformation, and we’re going to continue focus on that in March. Plus, we’re going to envision what our lives will look like when we achieve our dreams! If you don't have them yet, add them to your February ER order or grab them with some ER points so you can use them in March! We’ll share some ideas for using them in March.

Here are some ideas to continue using Abundance & Believe in February!

Abundance is one of my favorite oils. It combines amazing oils that were used by ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. Abundance is what I like to call the "law of attraction" oil. It has an earthy scent with hints of citrus and smells amazing when combined with our second oil of the month, Believe!

Believe contains essential oils that encourage feelings of strength and faith. How perfect is that for crushing our New Year's goals?! This is another one of my favorite oils because belief is necessary to make our dreams come true.


  • make a spray with 10 drops each abundance & believe, a little bit of witch hazel, and top off with water

    • spray wallets, purses, clothes, hair, car, etc.

  • make a roller with 15 drops each abundance & believe and top off with carrier oil

    • roll on wrists and behind ears each morning while saying a positive affirmation pertaining to your New Year's goals; example affirmations

      • I am open to receiving abundance with a grateful heart.

      • I am a magnet for prosperity, abundance, and financial blessings.

      • Love and abundance surround me every day.

      • I attract limitless happiness.

  • put a drop of abundance & believe on your new planner

  • diffuse abundance & believe when you're working towards your goals

  • put a drop of abundance & believe on the top of your head when creating your to do lists and when your visualizing your goals


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Make sure to grab our Dream Oilers March Oils of the Month so you can get started using them on March 1! Transformation & Envision are great for replacing negative emotions with positive ones and overcome fears and emotional blocks to achieve our goals.

Super B is YL’s Vitamin B supplement and has all 8 B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. B vitamins are water soluble, help keep our cells metabolizing the right way, and support our energy levels. Super B is also infused with Nutmeg EO, which is known for its energy enhancing qualities.

Ladies, this is a must have oil for us! Some women like to use it every single day, and others like me use it only during that time of the month. Whatever way you choose to use it, you’re going to love it! It has helped many women with PMS, cramps, flow, libido, and menopause! This is an oil that many women turn to when trying to get pregnant as well.

Anyone else feeling the winter blues creeping in? Grab some joy to boost your mood and the moods of everyone around you! Joy is a floral oil that was originally called “love”, so it’s perfect for February. Diffuse Joy with Lemon or Thieves (add a drop of Joy and a few drops of a different oil if you’re not a floral person) and apply it over your heart each morning to start the day off on a positive note. Looking for a simple gift idea for friends? They’ll love this Happy Day roller: 5 Joy, 5 Stress Away, 5 Copaiba, 10 Orange topped off with carrier oil in a 10 mL roller.

If you don’t have Bergamot in your stash, you need it! Since it’s part of the citrus family, it’s awesome at boosting moods. Plus it’s calming, so a lot of people enjoy it as part of their sleep combos. It’s great worn as perfume too. Add a drop to your scarf or to your palms and run through your hair - people will be asking you what you’re wearing all day long because you smell so good!

Valentine’s Day is almost here, and what better way to celebrate than with a massage! I absolutely love YL’s massage oils. They’re all natural and smell so freaking good. Sensation is by far my favorite - it has a light floral scent that makes me smile. Whether you’re getting a massage, giving one, or moisturizing after a bath or shower, you’re going to love it! Go check out our Love & Oils class in Dream Oilers Beginnings for some fun ways you can use it in the bedroom too!

Idaho Blue Spruce is pretty special. It has the highest known frequency of all of the essential oils. Frequency has a huge impact on our health. Our bodies normally range from 62-68 mHz frequency; when we are sick, that number can decline. Idaho Blue Spruce’s frequency is 580 mHz; when we apply it or breathe it in, it helps to raise our frequency and our overall wellness and mood. It’s also known for making magic in the bedroom, which is where it got its nickname, “Bruce”. Try this Anthro Diffuser Combo when you grab your bottle: 3 drops Bruce, 4 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops orange, and 2 drops Geranium!

Mister helps the prostate to function optimally, which is a big part of his libido and performance. Ironically, women need certain levels of testosterone although not nearly as much as men. We need more estrogen and progesterone. When those levels fall too low, we get a bit grumpy. Occasionally, that insane irritability can also happen when your estrogen is too high and testosterone is too low. That’s why some women find that Mister helps with hot flashes and cranky pants!


Feelings Kit
Winter blues can hit hard in the winter months; this kit can help! Search Feelings Kit in Dream Oilers Collective for the protocol and more about how awesome each oil in this kit is.

Basically, if you ever experience stress, THIS is the supplement for you (hello, mamas!). Cortisol is the stress hormone. The more stressed you are, the more Cortisol your body releases. While cortisol can be a good thing, too much of it is definitely a bad thing. Too much cortisol is known to cause rapid weight gain, high blood pressure, mood swings, and changes to a woman’s libido. Anxiety and Depression may also be linked to high cortisol levels. CortiStop Women's is designed to help the body balance its cortisol levels to maintain its natural balance and harmony. #hellyes

Ylang Ylang
I’m typically not a floral fan, but I’m obsessed with Ylang Ylang. This light floral oil is great for emotions and skin, and perfect for Valentine's Day! When you get it, you have to diffuse 2 drops of Ylang Ylang with 6 drops of Stress Away. IT. IS. HEAVEN. You can also make a perfume with that same ratio or a happy roller. Diffuse it, spray your sheets, and roll it on on Valentine’s Day, and you will see why it’s so magical!


In addition to all of the goodness we’ve already shared, when you place an Essential Rewards order this month, you'll get an email with some adorable DREAM OILERS LOYALTY LABELS sent to your email address on file with YL to make some super cute DIYs! Directions and links to purchase materials (if you need them) will be included in the email. Make sure you’ve opted in to communication in your Virtual Office and look for an email with your labels at the beginning of next month!

If you opt out of communication in your Virtual Office, you will not receive your Loyalty Labels.


The only thing better than being on this oil journey yourself is having your friends and family join you!

YL knows that word of mouth is the best way to advertise, so rather than paying crazy amounts in advertising costs, they pay us... loyal users who help our friends and family grab their own oils using our referral links!

This month, in addition to sending us a $50+ thank you check for each person who grabs their PSK from us, they’re throwing in some awesome extras as an added bonus!

It’s super simple to score your cute YL branded essential oil holder and a bottle of Jasmine!

All Level Up Promotion Details Can Be Found HERE