Watch this video for helpful tips about the three ways that you can use Young Living Essential Oils.

Everything we discuss ONLY applies to YLEOs, not any other brand. If you see an EO bottle that says for aromatic use only, run the other way. Essential oils are made from plants, and you should be able to apply them topically (and in many cases even ingest them).

You can get the therapeutic benefits of essential oils all three ways, so decide what works best for you! We are all about empowering our tribe to make their own decisions, and we’re excited for you to feel confident and prepared!


Using EOs aromatically simply means breathing them in. The sense of smell is the only sense that can have an immediate impact on the emotional region of your brain. Maybe that’s why Stress Away makes me feel like I’m relaxing on a beach somewhere when I smell it! This makes the diffuser KEY for me and my super emotional 4 and 6 year olds (plus everyone in the house gets the benefits all at once when diffusing) 😉

You can also use your essential oils aromatically

  • smelling them straight out of the bottle

  • adding a drop or two to diffuser jewelry

  • on a cotton ball over a vent

  • on a clothespin in the vent of your car

One place you do NOT want to put essential oils is your humidifier. Remember, YL’s essential oils are extremely concentrated, and humidifiers are not the same as a diffuser (and adding essential oils in your humidifier could break it or worse).


Using essential oils topically means applying them to your skin. There are two ways you can use essential oils topically - neat or diluted.
Neat means NO CARRIER OIL (a carrier oil is a fatty oil like coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or jojoba oil for example… YL also has one called V6).
Diluted means using essential oils WITH CARRIER OIL.

If you ever have irritation when using essential oils topically, add additional carrier oil (NOT water).

Some easy ways to use your essential oils topically are to make a roll-on, cream, or ointment. Apply this directly to the desired area or VitaFlex points (google VitaFlex points for a diagram). Some of my favorite places to apply essential oils topically are…

  • inner wrists, back of neck, and behind ears for emotional support

  • stomach for digestive support

  • on my little guys’ spines for immune support

  • on sore muscles after a workout

  • bottom of feet for sleep

  • temples and forehead for a happy head


Some essential oils can be taken internally as a dietary supplement. Young Living has an entire line of Vitality oils that are easy to identify for ingestion because of their white label. These bottles include EXACTLY THE SAME essential oil as their colorful counterparts, but they make it easy to identify which essential oils can be ingested.

You can ingest Vitality essential oils 

  • in a vegetable or gelatin capsule

  • by adding them to a favorite recipe (remember a little goes a LONG way)

  • in a glass of water, milk, or juice

When you ingest your essential oils, there are a few things that are important to remember

  • when using a capsule to ingest, it is helpful to add food grade carrier oil first

  • do NOT drink your oils from a plastic container

  • start with one drop

One of the biggest debates about essential oils is whether or not to ingest them, and that is because there are three different schools of essential oil usage, the English, German, and French. Young Living uses all three, and since YL oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils, many of them are safe for ingestion. Again, do your research so that you can make an empowered decision for yourself and your family. If you would prefer not to ingest your essential oils, you can get their benefits topically and aromatically instead!