The Rising Star Bonus is a great way to boost your check even more AND set yourself up for Royal Crown Diamond (and that 140+K per month check!!!)!

In order to earn the Rising Star Bonus, you MUST place at least a 100 PV ER order (which is another reason why ER and 100 PV are the way to go... when you have 100 PV ER, you qualify for ALL YL Commissions)!

Each Rising Star Bonus Share is ABOUT (changes each month) $50 per month that is added to your paycheck. 

The Rising Star Bonus is a bonus that builds. 

To get your first share in the Rising Star Bonus, you have to have at least a 100 PV ER order. In addition to that, you must have at least 3 people on your Level 1 who have 100 PV ER orders AND have at least 300 OGV (that means their order plus everyone in their organization's orders must be at least 300).

Once you have all of the requirements met for the first share, you can earn two more shares! You will need two more people on your Level 1 who each have at least a 100 PV ER order AND at least 500 OGV.

Now that you've earned THREE shares, you can earn THREE MORE! You have to meet all of the above requirements AND have two more people on your Level 1 who each have at least a 100 PV ER order AND at least 1,000 OGV.

If you prefer to hear or watch an explanation of this, check out the video.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to your Enroller or ask in Dream Oilers Collective or Dream Oilers Tribe.

100 PV ER Requirements

How to Earn Shares

This SO does not feel like a business, although we know it is – and a fantastic one at that! All the work that we put into it is done freely, with love and appreciation. It is changing my life for the better, forever! The income potential is huge.
— Joy K.