Now that you've learned all about how to USE your oils and are in love with them, I'm sure you are in the mood to share them, which brings us to the purpose, abundance, & freedom that Young Living offers!

Let’s start out with a question. What are your goals and dreams? Grab a notebook and something to write with and write your answers to these questions and anything else you can think of! There is no wrong answer! Dream big!

If money were no object, 

  • what would you do? 

  • where would you travel? 

  • how would you spend your time? 

  • who would you help? 

What if I told you those dreams could be your reality??? Check out the MONTHLY average incomes above. Those are real numbers. Real people are earning those paychecks. Is it easy? Nope. Is it simple? Absolutely! Here’s HOW:

Step 1. Use your oils.
Step 2. Love your oils.
Step 3. Share your love of your oils.
Step 4. Help others use their oils, love their oils, and share their oils! 

That's it. This business is all about loving on others. Helping them. Cheering them on. It’s also about loving on yourself. Learning and working in your strengths. Growing yourself each day. Crushing comfort zones and facing fears. Being your best self.

These quotes are from some of our Dream Oilers who are doing just that! They’ve fallen in love with their oils and plant-based products, they are sharing them, and they’re helping others to do the same!

My check this month is allowing me to work out twice a week... I’m investing it into my health and wellness—something that’s long overdue!!
As of right now, I’m getting my oils for free! My goal is to be able to pay our mortgage each month by the end of the year.
YL has made it possible for me to receive all my oils for free, pay off 2 credit cards and a car. Eventually I’ll be able to quit my job and be more present for my family. I’m so incredibly grateful for the generosity of this company!
I was able to book a family trip to Myrtle Beach for this summer with a friend and her family!! It’s been so hard for us to plan any family vacations. We ALWAYS say let’s wait a couple months, or let’s do it next year.
Never in my dreams would I have thought making the switch from toxic candles to essential oils that I would be blessed to have my child’s education paid for by ME - a stay at home mom.
I never thought I would “make money” with oils. I just fell in love with the products and was blessed with an amazing “team” that I now consider some great friends. My Young Living income has given my family the opportunity to allow me to go to nursing school and not have to work.
This check is helping me go to Convention right now! That is an amazing thing for me! First I have not taken a trip since my honeymoon 10 and a half years ago. Second I get to go where my passion is leading me. Third I get to go and spend this time with an amazing group of ladies that YL has either introduced me to or strengthened my connection with!
This business and this amazing team allowed us to move into our dream home (because I had time freedom to pack up, sell, and move since I did NOT have go “in” to a job). I am so so so grateful... This business has also provided our family with more freedom. Freedom of time so that we can spend more time together, with friends, and traveling. Freedom to give more, including sponsoring an eighth grade girl at the Young Living Academy. Freedom to be happier and to live with less stress. Freedom to love on others and to help our team to grow.