Essential Rewards (ER) is a no brainer because it saves you money on essential oils and plant based products that help you to live well! Click the button below to access our Dream Oilers Guide to Essential Rewards.


We talk a LOT about Essential Rewards (ER) because we’re kinda obsessed! Four years ago, our family started on a journey to wellness. There were toxins lurking in our home that we didn’t even know about… toxins known to disrupt hormones, quicken aging, interfere with fertility, cause cancer, and more. I had assumed that if products were allowed to be sold in stores across the country that they were safe. There were people in charge of making sure of that, right?

Wrong! As I began to research more and read labels, I learned that so many things that I had never thought twice about were actually causing our bodies (and our kids’ bodies) a lot of harm. I became determined to kick a lot of things out of our house for good! Getting rid of them was a huge step in the right direction, but we also wanted to replace them with things that were GOOD for us… things that would IMPROVE our overall wellness. Kind of like playing both defense AND offense! Enter Young Living.

We couldn’t afford to do it all at once. Daycare ain’t cheap! All we could do was kick one or two toxic things out of our house at a time. The first thing that went was dryer sheets… such a simple switch to dryer balls and Purification! We hopped on Essential Rewards and began placing monthly orders to slowly replace the toxic products in our home with SAFE plant based oils and products.

Placing those orders through ER also earned us a ton of points which enabled us to make the process even quicker! We also got brand new things to try each month for FREE. Now, I can happily say that our house and our health are a whole lot better than they used to be.

Long story short… Matt and I have thousands of dollars worth of Young Living products in our home that we paid $0 for, and we want everyone to know how to do the same!