We love games in our house. They’re fun and help to pass the time when it feels like the day is dragging on!
Finn getting ready for his move in Protect the Pridelands, which is one of our favorite “team” games. How cute are those tootsies?!
We also love oils. They help us to feel in control of our emotions, and when you’ve got two competitive little boys (almost 5 and almost 7 years old), they sure are useful when you’re playing a game!
Here are some of our favorite games and diffuser blends to go with them!
Busytown, Protect the Pridelands, and Eye Found It are some of our favorite games because you play them as a team! You work together to beat the game, so there’s no crying about who won and who lost #momwin.
We love to diffuse our “Skittles” diffuser combo when playing team games because it smells just like Skittles and has the added benefit of boosting our moods with all of these citrus oils! We do a drop of each oil in the diffuser (you can also add a drop of Lemon).
Snappy Dressers and Blink are two fast-paced games that keep our minds sharp! Each card has one thing in common with every other card, and it’s a race to see who can find it first and discard all of their cards. I always deal myself extra cards to try to keep it fair (and challenging for me).
Our favorite diffuser blend for these games is GeneYus and Citrus Fresh. GeneYus is formulated specifically for kids ages 2-12, and we love it for concentration. Citrus Fresh is one of our favorite oils to diffuse for creativity or thinking on the spot, and we love how the citrus balances the earthy scent of GeneYus. Try 2 drops of each in the diffuser!
These last four games can cause some tantrums, so we like to diffuse Thieves and Joy while playing them. We call Joy our “Tantrum Tamer” because no matter what mood the kids are in, when we diffuse Joy, they can’t help but smile. Joy if filled with floral notes, so we like to add Thieves for a spicy/citrus combination to the floral. Any time someone walks in our house and smells this combo, they always ask what it is because it smells so good! 3 drops Thieves: 1 drop Joy.
Guess Who is a classic, and the boys love it. Finn still gets confused sometimes about which people to put down based on his question, but we make it work. The boys’ Aunt Aimee got them Enchanted Forest this Christmas, and it’s become a favorite of theirs! It’s like a board game version of a treasure hunt that incorporates 12 different fairy tales. And you can’t have a game night without some Memory! We have about 15 different Memory games, and it’s safe to say that the kids beat me at all of them #mombrain! I especially love the Memory Match card game because you can use it to teach the kids about essential oils and since it’s a deck of cards, it’s great for on the go!
What are your favorite games to play as a family?
Click on each of the titles below to grab our favorites!
Memory - Amazon has tons of different memory games; find the one your kids will love most!
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