If you Google focus and essential oils, you'll find some studies on Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Lavender that are pretty interesting! Since each person is different, you may want to play around with some different combos to see what's best for you.
Here is one of my favorite roller recipes:
10 drops each of Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Lavender topped off with carrier oil in a 10 mL roller bottle; you can also add Citrus Fresh if you're not a fan of the scent to brighten it up
GeneYus • this is an absolute must have for kids who want a mind that is clear, determined, and focused; apply to brain stem
Brain Power • a blend of essential oils high in sesquiterpenes—like Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Cypress, and Frankincense—to promote a sense of clarity and focus when used aromatically
Clarity • I love to diffuse this with Motivation when I need to get things done; it helps me to focus on my priorities and not get distracted
MindWise • a memory blend supplement that has ALCAR, GPC, and bio-identical CoQ10, ingredients that have been studied for their incredible beneficial health properties (Google them!) as well as generous amounts of vitamin D3; supports normal memory function and overall cognitive and cardiovascular health
Nitro • along with providing tons of energy, Nitro is great for helping you stay your sharpest through the workday