Top 5 Ways We're Taking Care of Ourselves


Ditching toxins in our home has been one of the absolute best decisions we’ve made as a family! We get sick less, and when we do get sick it doesn’t last nearly as long! These are some of our must have Thieves products for the home (and when we’re out and about)!


Supplements are a part of our everyday life around here. We drink NingXia Red daily for its amazing benefits, including tons of antioxidants to keep our body systems strong. The boys ask for their MightyVites, a multivitamin for kids, every day along with our kids’ prebiotic/probiotic MightyPro. My husband likes Master Formula, an adult multivitamin, because it’s a super simple way to get the things his body needs. We both take Life 9, a probiotic, at night to keep our gut and our immune systems thriving. Super C is another necessity because we need Vitamin C. I take MultiGreens and Super B, which includes B vitamins, daily for energy and overall well-being. And last but not least, we have Inner Defense for when our bodies need some extra TLC and ImmuPro, which has melatonin along with immune system supporting ingredients. Different people have different needs; these are what work for us!


Getting enough sleep is such an important part of staying well! Check out our previous blog post that covers our Top 5 Sleep Solutions HERE.


Drinking enough water is key to keeping our body in good health. We love adding a drop of Lemon, Jade Lemon, Lime, or Orange Vitality to our water to give it some natural flavor and change things up a bit! Young Living also just launched their new Young Living Vitality Drops, which are delicious and have the added benefit of electrolytes!

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Emotions can wreak havoc on us when they get out of control, so we are so grateful for our oils and CBD to help us stay clear-minded and calm, even when going through tough things. Check out some of our favorite oils and products for keeping our emotions in check in the photos below!

If you’re already a Young Living member, you can log into your Virtual Office to grab any of the oils/products we shared above at a 24% discount! Don’t have oils yet? We’d love to help you get started! Click the link below to grab your kit and join our community!