Hi! My name is Kim and I am a wife, teacher, and Mom of 4 year old twins. I have been married for 6 years and a teacher for 13. I have always tried to eat as healthy as possible and to take an overall holistic approach to anything possible. After having my twins in 2014, I was looking for something for my family to help with sleep and immune support.

I was introduced to Young Living by my college friend Amber and ordered my kit in November of 2014. The twins were 2 months old then. I started out slowly by diffusing lavender in our bedroom where the twins were still sleeping. Then eventually the twins each had their own diffusers in their rooms.

The next oil I began to incorporate in my everyday routine was thieves. Immune support for my kids but also for myself and my husband who was also a teacher. Since then thieves and lavender have been in the twin’s diffusers every night.

I then slowly started replacing toxin filled products in my household every month as well as trying new oils. The best part about replacing these products was that they were things I could take off my regular grocery list and get points back for buying them through Young Living’s Essential Rewards program. Then I am able to use my points to either stock up on those products or to try new things.

I was on Essential Rewards for about 2 years before I decided to give the business side a try. I was already using so many of the products and spreading my love for Young Living that it just felt right. That year I also decided to stay home with my twins and was not giving up my ER order as part of our budget cutting! So doing the business helped me get my products for free so I didn’t have to give up the products I loved.

Fast forward two years and November will mark my two year anniversary in the business. I am looking forward to new adventures as I continue this amazing oily journey as well as continuing to ditch and switch as many products as possible and getting as close as possible to living a toxin free lifestyle.


Life 9


My number one goal is keeping my family happy and healthy!