It’s super simple to get started!

Click “Join Our Community” above to get your kit!

1. Click “Add to Cart” or “Create Loyalty Order”
When you get started with your kit, you’ll get a 24% discount on any additional YL purchases for a year.

If you place your order as a Loyalty Order, you’ll get 10% of your pv back in points that are like a store credit AND a free gift!

2. Checkout
Click “View Cart” then “Checkout”. You’ll be able to add your email address, and you should see my name, Amber Ewert Member #1857491, under Enroller and Sponsor. Add your shipping and payment info, and check out.

3. Happy Mail
Once you’re all signed up, send me an email at so that I can get your welcome package in the mail and get you added to our Facebook community! I’m so excited for you!!!