Heyo! I’m Kelly and I am so delighted to be a leader within the Dream Oilers Community. I’m a wife and a mom of 2, leading a busy life of juggling a home business, kiddo activities, and laundry. 

Have you ever trained for a marathon, or regularly work out, or did a few too many squats? I get it. It’s the entire reason why I started using essential oils. My hips and lower back were struggling towards the end of marathon training and Peppermint Essential Oil was a lifesaver for me. 

It’s important to me that my family is only using safe and clean products, free of harsh chemicals, which is why we only use Young Living Essential Oils. We found that their lineup of products is simply far superior to any other oil company. I no longer have to worry about harmful toxins in my family’s everyday products (even the natural ones) sabotaging our health. Young Living also makes it so easy for busy parents to shop, worry free, from their couch, and have their plant based products show up to their door. 

For a long time I also struggled with my day job. I was feeling like I was not a valued employee and my job lacked purpose. I am so grateful for the business side of Young Living to offer me exactly what I was looking for. I’m able to give to my community in ways I never thought possible, while also having the freedom to care for my family and slow down and enjoy life a bit more. 


1. Frank is hands down my favorite oil. It calms me down and keeps my face look radiant.
2. Inner Defense is my favorite product. This immune system booster is why my family is so healthy and my house will never be without it!
3. The People. It's not necessarily a tangible product but it's the largest surprise that I had no idea would come with my membership. Young Living is a community that you just don't understand until you're a member. Some of my closest friends today are because of Young Living.


I super love Disney World and my dream vacation is to go on a world tour of all the Disney Parks. My other life dream is to complete an Ironman. I also love naps.