Hey there! I'm Kasey, an Executive leader with Young Living. My husband Michael and I have two rescue pups that we love more than we love each other (which is a lot!) and one rescue kitty that we love some days when she feels like she wants to be loved. I started this journey (unwillingly) in October of 2016. My husband (not me) wanted the kit - so he does what he wants and bought the kit against my better judgment. I, in turn, set out to do what I do best - which is prove him wrong through research. What I found made me feel very humble that by the time our kit arrived I was actually excited to see what these bottles could do. Within 3 days of having our kit I saw incredible emotional and physical changes, and thought about the possibilities for my health. I then completely overtook the kit for myself and started sharing immediately - because when something is that core-shaking, how could you not want the rest of the world to know that they too have the opportunity to have this in their life! I have become a much better version of myself for my husband, my career, for me. Don't worry, there's still plenty of space for improvement - but it's been an incredible growth adventure. Seeing the change in people's lives has been the best part of this entire journey. The messages I get when someone experiences an oily win, an emotional step, a physical happiness - is what drives me to continue to share this with everyone - including you!


Awww crap... I hate picking favorites. But OK, let's see. Orange is my FAV favorite! I put that on everything including my toothpaste! It's the best happy oil :) The Thieves Line would have to be another. Replacing ALL the nasty stuff we were using (laundry detergent, every single cleaner, dish soap, etc) with something toxin free has been very literally life changing. I didn't realize those things were actually causing me harm, and a lot of my physical issues stemmed from this. If I'm thinking about what has been so life changing and wonderful for our family, the third would be T-Away. Having a rescue animal can present it's challenges. Brew has been a scaredy dog since day one. Since using T-Away she can sleep through Thunderstorms, has an easier time on the 4th of July, and the everyday evils that haunt her like laundry, cardboard boxes, and loud noises. She has changed our lives in an astronomical way, and this has made us feel so much better that we can make her life so much more enjoyable. It has also been very helpful with our newest Rescue, Teule (Tay-lee) and even our emotional kitty, Porsche.


I have my skydiving license and my motorcycle license. I miss both and hope to be in the sky again next year! I used to work with Elephants and have been completely humbled by understanding these gentle giants and learning more about the zoo world behind the scenes instead of what people see in documentaries (it is nowhere near the same!). I hope one day to have enough money to travel to Indonesia or Africa and work on Conservation of the Species. I also have a goal to open my own animal rescue before I turn 40.