I started using Young Living Essential Oils four years ago when my pup needed some help with his seasonal issues, and boy was I shocked to see how well they worked. I was probably the biggest skeptic ever until I finally realized that every time I was using an oil for any certain reason it happened to work. I started talking to all my friends and family, well let’s be honest, ANYONE who would listen, because I felt like I just discovered something magical and wanted to share it with everyone. So I did! That’s when I realized that there was also a fun side to Young Living, where I could have a bunch of friends over (call it a class) to share how amazing these oils were (SCORE!!!) and also make so many more friends along the way. I realized that these oils were more powerful than anything else I had tried. They helped keep my family’s immune systems at their peak, my friend circle growing, and all the toxins far away from me. Now, looking back and telling my story, it’s so crazy to say it’s been only 4 years because I can’t picture my life without my Young Living oils/ products in it.


Purification, Thieves (entire line), and Lemon


I’m a mama of a 12 year old boy named Jaydyn and 8 year old pitty named Boss. I am also a registered nurse who loves being around people and helping in any way I can.