Hello! Being a mother of three young littles, I completely understand the concerns a parent has about what products we allow in our homes. That's how I started on this Young Living essential oils journey! I was looking for a better, healthier way to do wellness for our family. Amongst all the 'noise' we get from advertising products, everywhere we look, that end up not being great for our bodies......I was fed up and began researching on my own. Young Living has completely opened my eyes to wellness with the simplicity of plants. I am regularly in awe at what God's great earth provides to support our bodies and systems. It's incredible and I know I have just hit the tip of the iceberg. We have been on this journey for a short time, but the abundance in wellness has been priceless. Do yourself a favor and start researching yourself! It's empowering!
1. The first Young Living oil I fell in love with was peppermint! Keeps my head happy.
2. I cannot go without Peace & Calming. It is so grounding for me and I love the smell.
3. Everything Thieves has been a game changer in my house. Don't go a day without using something infused with that incredible oil.
I resigned from a great teaching gig to homeschool my own kiddos and haven't looked back! I am so blessed to be able to stay home to empower my own children to become lifelong learners.
Out of high school I did AmeriCorps. It was like 'Read World.' Remember that show??? But we were traveling in a van, working together, living together for a whole year... it was a crazy experience. It definitely helped shape who I am today.