Hey friends! I’m Kacie Biniak, one of the many wonderful Dream Oilers leaders. My husband, Matt, and I have an adventurous, fun-loving toddler named Hannah who has been oiled since birth. She has two furry sisters, Nike, a Yorkie-Poo, and Bella, a white pitbull. We were introduced to Young Living back in October of 2015 after I was struggling with some scary health things. Since then, we have fallen in love with all things Young Living and even the dogs love their oils! I am passionate about helping others learn about a healthier, more natural lifestyle (I taught kindergarten before having Hannah, so teaching and helping others is in my nature), and I can’t wait to help you out on this journey.
Oh gosh! How can I pick just 3 when I use so many of them on a daily basis? The first oil I fell in love with, and use pretty consistently, is Peppermint. It has helped me more times than I can count with basically everything from a happy head, rumbly tummy, and fresh breath when in a pinch. It was a life saver during my first trimester of pregnancy. My favorite home product is by far Thieves Household Cleaner. Even my husband loves it! It can be used to clean everything! Like seriously, everything and anything. Plus, I don’t have to worry about the dogs or Hannah being around it. My third favorite product has to be NingXia Red. This whole body supplement drink is rich in antioxidants and does amazing things for your body. This is one that was a must during my pregnancy, especially with working in a school. Our toddler even likes to drink it with me. It’s great knowing she’s getting so many nutrients and antioxidants to help her body grow big and strong.
I love playing sports and have always been super active growing up. I played fastpitch softball for 13 years, was a gymnast & volleyball player, and ran track. I was even the 8th grade girls State Champ in the 100m hurdles. I am also a huge lover of music, rock being my favorite. You can find us at lots of Rock festivals and concerts in the area. My favorite band is Shinedown, and we have even met them a couple times