Hello, Friend! I’m Amber Ewert, founder of our Dream Oilers community, wife to the amazing Matt Ewert, and lucky mama to the two most adorable and rambunctious little boys you will ever meet, Knollyn and Finn. In June 2014, after months of research, I decided to dive into the world of essential oils by getting my Young Living Premium Starter Bundle. At the time, I was finishing up my eighth year of teaching sixth grade, and we had just welcomed our younger son, Finn, into the world #twoundertwo. The thought of another year of daycare germs had me looking for natural tools to support our family’s wellness. There had to be a better way. Basically, I wanted Thieves and a diffuser plus some Joy because I heard it helped with tantrums #terribletwos.
After I grabbed my bundle, it sat in its box for a couple weeks because I was scared I was going to mess up somehow (please tell me I’m not the only recovering perfectionist out there!). I finally started using the oils when a need presented itself, and we began seeing awesome things happen for our family by ditching the toxic crap and switching to natural solutions! I don’t know about you, but when I find something I love, I can’t shut up about it… which brings us to our Dream Oilers community.
Some of our Dream Oilers leaders having a blast at Convention.
Once I started using my oils and saw the magic they brought to our family (sleeping through the night, strong immune systems, happy libido, leveled out emotions, soft skin, happy muscles, and so much more), I started talking about them, just like anything I love. Friends don’t let friends miss out on sleep… especially when young kids are involved! Turns out other people wanted to experience the same things our family was experiencing, and our team began to grow.
What started as me sharing something I loved in August 2014 turned into a community of 175 oilaholics by January 2015. As our tribe grew, it was clear that we needed a a space of our own. And so, Dream Oilers was born.
Our tribe is made up of women and men from all different walks of life.
Creating a space for our team lead to more growth. It allowed us to to share our stories and learn from each other, to cheer each other on, and to dream together. In October 2015, we reached the rank of Gold, and in February 2016, we became a Platinum team with Young Living. The best part? Thousands of families have joined our community since that first yes in 2014, and we are so grateful to have helped so many families change their lives for the better.
Along with wellness and community, there came a feeling of purpose and fulfillment. We authentically and vulnerably shares our stories because we are passionate about empowering others to live well, dream big, and embrace freedom. We believe that everyone deserves wellness, purpose, and abundance, and our mission is to make using essential oils and plant based products simple for families by providing opportunity, education, resources, and support.
Kelly B.
The people. I love the community and support we have here. It's the part of Young Living you don't fully realize until you get your kit.
Denise A.
My favorite thing about our Dream Oilers community is the support & love that everyone is so willing to give.
Kirsti G.
All of the helpful graphics! Having all these oils can be intimidating when you first start, love seeing all the helpful tips and recipes.
Kacie B.
The friends! Everyone is so much more than another oiler. Some of my closest friends have come from this community.
Kasey R.
I have made so many friendships I can't imagine my life without because of this tribe.
Christine M.
My favorite thing is the unity and support we all give and receive. We really are an oily Tribe 😊